My first #flexDegree was a roll-your-own 👨🎓🎓 🦕#academic program that I called "#PropagandaStudies".
That was in Fall 2001. The #infamous times.
It was what I referred to as a "#targetRichEnvironment for #paper topics to #explore". Never used that degree as much before as I used it lately.
Didn't make any #money at it. Nope.
Made up my #mind, though. Real good. #lookWhereIAmNow.
#Diplomodon 🦕 loves
#Mastadon 🦣.
Get it? 🌈🥰🤣
#flexdegree #academic #propagandastudies #infamous #targetrichenvironment #paper #explore #money #mind #lookwhereiamnow #hashtagthatone #ifyoudare #diplomodon #mastadon