In 2007 a Grumpy Lawyer fell ass backwards into the #FurryFandom. He had been sent a letter written by a #SovereignCitizen who was also a furry, and tied up in a alt-right furry group, banning yet another furry from a convention. The letter was a five alarm fire of #Dipshittery, and the Angry Lawyerwrote something about it. He did it without punching down, and went to bed.
When he woke up, the Animal People had arrived. /1
#dipshittery #sovereigncitizen #furryfandom
Tom Scocca does a great short podcast to start off the day. It takes less time than it takes me to eat my porridge. Here is with some heartfelt thoughts on gun control in the US.
#podcasts #gun_control #dipshittery
#dipshittery #gun_control #podcasts