Despite appearances, this photo wasn’t taken in a studio, but on a late afternoon walk with the sun low on the horizon and no flash at all: the sun was my flash, shining on from under my camera.
Siphona sp. (tentative ID)
#insects #entomology #flies #diptera #inaturalist
Nematoceran fly —aka mosquito or midge-like— sipping nectar, its head and paintbrush antennae (the size alone labels it as male: their purpose is to locate females) bobbing up and down as if listening to heavy metal. Wish I recorded a video.
Faintest idea what species this is, I have not.
#midges #insects #entomology #diptera #inaturalist
How cool. I never managed to identify these maggots from a microbial mat in Yellowstone National Park. By comparing with the larvae of alkaline flies in the video, I see they also have spiky prolegs–perhaps members of the same family, since most dipterans don't have them at all.
Digging a bit, I have this other adjacent observation of adult flies walking on those waters labeled as Ephydridae ... they are likely related if not the same species.
#iNaturalist #Diptera #entomology #insects #Yellowstone #flies #FlyDay
#flyday #flies #yellowstone #insects #entomology #diptera #inaturalist
According to there are many observations in the UK indeed, but I've only ever seen Volucella zonaria once in the UK.
The large hoverfly I see frequently, at least in Cambridge, is the yellow-haired sun fly, Myathropa florea This one seems like a mimic as well, but its larvae grow on detritus in moisty ground.
#insects #entomology #hoverflies #diptera #inaturalist
Hornet mimic hoverfly, Volucella zonaria which not only resembles (somewhat) a hornet, but also lays its eggs in a hornet nest and its larvae grow up as commensals therein Badass!
#iNaturalist #FlyDay #Diptera #flies #entomology #insects #Mimics
#Mimics #insects #entomology #flies #diptera #flyday #inaturalist
An unidentified bristly, golden fly staring into the abyss.
#fly #flies #diptera #insects #arthropods #flyfriday #photography
#fly #flies #diptera #insects #arthropods #flyfriday #photography
Did I post this already? Well, tough. I 😍 hoverflies, and this beauty has the best name ever: Yellow-haired Sun Fly (Myathropa florea).
Encourage hoverfly in your garden by creating Hoverfly Lagoons for their larvae. Pollinators and bug munchers.
#wildlife #gardening #WildlifeGardening #diptera #hoverflies #hoverfly
#hoverfly #hoverflies #diptera #wildlifegardening #gardening #wildlife
#Wanzenfliegen (Phasia hemiptera) legen ihre Eier an Baumwanzen (Gattungen Palomena und Pentatoma) ab. Die Larven fressen sich anschließend in die Wanze hinein und führen zu deren Tod.
#artenvielfalt #diptera #insects #Tachinidae #Raupenfliegen #insekten #nature #natur #fliegen
#wanzenfliegen #Artenvielfalt #diptera #insects #tachinidae #raupenfliegen #insekten #nature #natur #fliegen
Keine "Hummel", sondern die Hummel-Keilfleck|#schwebfliege (#Eristalis intricaria). Typischer Fall von #Mimikry. Auf dicke Hose machen, aber nix dahinter - inkl. Hummelgebrummsel.
#artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #insects #natur #Diptera #Syrphidae #Schwebfliegen #hoverflies
#schwebfliege #Eristalis #Mimikry #Artenvielfalt #nature #insekten #insects #natur #diptera #syrphidae #schwebfliegen #hoverflies
Mystery midget: #iNaturalist auto-suggestion didn’t even guess the insect order correctly. Holds itself like a mosquito, but only measures about 2.5 mm. Found on a pebble beach by a white pine tree secondary forest.
#dalmatia #insects #entomology #midges #diptera #inaturalist
Suillia variegata gehört zu den Scheufliegen und ist an den bedornten Flügelrändern, der lang gefiederten Fühlerborste und den großen dunklen Flecken auf den Flügeln erkennbar. Man findet sie an Pilzen.
#natur #artenvielfalt #insekten #Diptera #nature #insects #Heleomyzidae
#natur #Artenvielfalt #insekten #diptera #nature #insects #heleomyzidae
Die Goldgrüne Waffenfliege (Chloromyia formosa) ist von der ähnlichen C. speciosa durch die bräunlichen Flügel und die hellen Knie unterscheidbar.
♀️ = mittig getrennte Augen
#natur #artenvielfalt #insekten #Diptera #nature #insects #soldierflies #Waffenfliegen #Stratiomyidae
#natur #Artenvielfalt #insekten #diptera #nature #insects #soldierflies #waffenfliegen #stratiomyidae
A beautiful little Condylostylus, watching for prey.
#fly #flies #dolichopodidae #diptera #insects #photography
Amazing. Coincidentally, bees are host to the bee louse (#Braulidae), which is nothing other than a wingless fly adapted to live on bee bodies … just like bat flies do on bats.
#Diptera #honeybees #parasites
#parasites #honeybees #diptera #braulidae
That ants are strong has since long entered popular culture. Yet their strength and persistence is a joy to witness. Inspiring.
Unknown ant dragging a much, much larger dead hoverfly of the Scaeva genus over rugged (relatively speaking) terrain straight into its nest.
#entomology #Hymenoptera #Formicidae #ants #Diptera #hoverflies #insects #iPhonePhotography
#iphonephotography #insects #hoverflies #diptera #ants #formicidae #hymenoptera #entomology
A beautiful little Condylostylus: a fearsome jewel.
#fly #flies #dolichopodidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#fly #flies #dolichopodidae #diptera #insects #arthropods #photography