#DirectAirCapture: Lula da Silva has officially recognized two #Indigenous territories in an attempt to #protect the #land from illegal #loggers, #miners and cattle #ranchers.
#StopDeforestation #PreserveIndigenousBiodiversity #LandBack
#directaircapture #indigenous #protect #land #loggers #miners #ranchers #stopdeforestation #preserveindigenousbiodiversity #landback
TheOnion: U.S. Invests $1.2 Billion For Carbon Removal https://www.theonion.com/u-s-invests-1-2-billion-for-carbon-removal-1850736531 #carbondioxideremoval #climateengineering #directaircapture #environmentalism #carbondioxide #cyrushammoudi #greenwashing #timsprecher #environment #sherilopez #deception #carbon
#carbondioxideremoval #climateengineering #directaircapture #environmentalism #carbondioxide #cyrushammoudi #greenwashing #timsprecher #environment #sherilopez #deception #carbon
Dass #CO2 aus der #Atmosphäre genommen werden muss um dem #Klimawandel rückgängig zu machen, ist klar. Habe aber so meine Zweifel an dem energieintensiven #directaircapture Verfahren. Naheliegender ist für mich den natürlichen Prozess der Erdölentstehung zu simulieren. Massenhaft Plankton/Algen in Meerwasser-Alagen in der Wüste züchten, und dann wieder in die alte Ölbohrlöcher pumpen, oder?
#co2 #atmosphare #klimawandel #directaircapture
The #Biden administration has offered over $billion to Occidental Petroleum to develop #DirectAirCapture in the latest wheeze by #fossilfuel firms to draw down cash to develop of #carboncapture as a response to the #ClimateCrisis;
So far 30 DAC plants have been commissioned with only six being actually built (so far) & as this is an early-stage relatively un-tested #technology, one cannot help but think its another way for #oil companies to keep their main game going for a few more years!
#biden #directaircapture #fossilfuel #CarbonCapture #ClimateCrisis #technology #oil
from #CleantechGroup:
"With policy support and expected innovation, eJet will supply half the world’s jet fuel demands by 2050"
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #SAF #electrojet #carbon #DirectAirCapture #AviationFuel
#cleantechgroup #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #saf #electrojet #carbon #directaircapture #aviationfuel
RT @_Capture6
@NickGBreeze @ClimateGENN Watch it back to hear Ethan and Nick discuss #directaircapture, the #climatetech industry & being bullish on gigatons of CO₂ #removal!
Watch the full video here: https://buff.ly/3UL9KiB
#removal #climatetech #directaircapture
Facing brutal climate math, US bets billions on direct air capture
#carbonremoval #DAC #carbonemissions #climatechange #directaircapture #reuters
#carbonremoval #dac #carbonemissions #ClimateChange #directaircapture #reuters
RT @GlobalThermo
Here’s a picture of Global Thermostat’s kiloton-scale unit for capturing carbon dioxide from the air, seen from above. This is the first #carbonremoval unit operating in the US with the capacity to receive #directaircapture tax credits under the #IRA
#ira #directaircapture #carbonremoval
👏👏👏 @CarbonxClimate + great first portfolio of projects from @CarbonCaptureUS @inplanet_earth @vesta_earth @sonnenerde @undocarbon
RT @CO2Council
It's great to see many of our members working together - congrats @CarbonxClimate and team for these $1m+ CDR purchases https://carbonx.world/carbonx-facilitates-a-new-1m-round-of-carbon-removal-purchases/
#carbonremoval #climatechange #enhancedweathering #directaircapture
#directaircapture #enhancedweathering #climatechange #carbonremoval
RT @EveTamme
Norway is considering a reverse tax of 2000 NOK (177 EUR) per tonne for #DirectAirCapture.
This could be paid over 10 years and combined with the sales of #carboncredits on the voluntary #carbonmarkets.
The document also includes insights on claims: https://lnkd.in/eE3D9Qcs… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1635951846853361665
#carbonmarkets #carboncredits #directaircapture
RT @BoCoClimate
Who says concrete can’t be cool? Thrilled to be part of the #4CornersCarbonCoalition that helped kickstart this #directaircapture project that is not only paving the way for a better future, but also laying the foundation for some seriously innovative #carbondioxideremoval tech. https://twitter.com/techcrunch/status/1633526542205857793
#carbonDioxideRemoval #directaircapture #4cornerscarboncoalition
Dezeen : Researchers develop solution that could make carbon capture three times more efficient https://www.dezeen.com/2023/03/10/carbon-capture-study-lehigh-university/ #Carboncaptureandstorage #Directaircapture #Carboncapture #Technology #Materials #News #all
#carboncaptureandstorage #directaircapture #carboncapture #technology #materials #news #all
Referenced link: https://techxplore.com/news/2023-03-air-capture-device-efficient-current.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://techxplore.com/news/2023-03-air-capture-device-efficient-current.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/TechXplore_com/status/1633882849387347974#m
RT by @physorg_com: New #directaircapture device three times more efficient than current approaches @ScienceAdvances https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg1956 https://techxplore.com/news/2023-03-air-capture-device-efficient-current.html
@bmdv im Vergleich zu einer kWh Strom, was kostet eine daraus hergestellte kWh #eFuel?
Und wird der Kohlenstoff aus #DirectAirCapture gewonnen? Denn bei #CCU hat sich ja vermutlich schon die CO2 Quelle #klimaneutral gerechnet. Ist es aber nur, wenn das C dann z.B. durch stoffliche Nutzung gebunden bleibt. Somit ist eFuel aus CCU nicht klimaneutral!
Sie haben recht, dass eFuel eine Lösung für Altfahrzeuge sein kann, oder für 🚢 ✈️ - das rechtfertigt keine #Verbrenner-Neuwagen! #verkehrswende
#efuel #directaircapture #ccu #klimaneutral #verbrenner #verkehrswende
This will be an interesting one to watch - @fervoenergy plan to use #Geothermal energy to suck #CO2 out of the atmosphere
#DirectAirCapture #DAC #Climate #ESG #SDGs
#sdgs #ESG #climate #dac #directaircapture #co2 #geothermal
RT @CarbonCaptureUS
We were delighted to host CA legislators yesterday to discuss the development of #directaircapture. Public policy undergirds everything we do.
This is really great to see 👏👏👏 To learn more about CarbonCapture's #ProjectBison 🦬🦬🦬 and CarbonCapture's community engagement work in WY check out CEO @adrian_corless's excellent #ThisIsCDR Ep60 presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTnm-9QoiXI
RT @CarbonCaptureUS
Thank you to the students and staff at Green River High School for welcoming us to talk about the #DirectAirCapture facility we are building in WY, #ProjectB…
#projectb #directaircapture #thisiscdr #projectbison
Auf Island können mit #DirectAirCapture immerhin die CO2-Emissionen äquivalent denen von 5,5 Superjachten aus der Luft geholt werden - #CarbonDioxideRemoval ist absurd, solange Superreiche unbegrenzt und weitgehend unbesteuert CO2 ausstoßen dürfen. Ein aktueller Kommentar von mir auf Telepolis: https://www.telepolis.de/features/Warum-CO2-Verpressung-eine-Scheinloesung-ist-7470678.html
#directaircapture #carbonDioxideRemoval
RT @CarbonHerald
Today #ThisIsCDR welcomes @adrian_corless, CEO of @CarbonCaptureUS. He will be talking about the company's modular #DirectAirCapture method and share the latest developments around Project Bison.
Join the free event at 12pm ET (5pm UK): https://bit.ly/3WB2jKd
RT @CarbonCaptureUS
Our CEO is joining #ThisIsCDR tomorrow to talk about #ProjectBison, powering a 5-megaton #directaircapture facility, our plans to scale beyond that, and much more. Register to attend - https://eu1.hubs.ly/H02GlP-0
#directaircapture #projectbison #thisiscdr