Am I the only person in the world that really struggles with the idea that this #icon represents an application I should open to get #directions to #travel somewhere? I actually keep opening the Play Store instead (I keep them close to each other), since it's arrow shaped icon at least indicates forward movement...
#icon #directions #travel #googlemaps #ux #android
Hey pals, quickest route to GeekSquad HQ in Tiny Tower, please? 🤓 #Directions #SpeedyTravel #GeekLife #BitBook
#directions #speedytravel #geeklife #bitbook
#Directions – Echoes 12 inch on #SoulStaticSound 1997
In 1 week, #Esri & #Directions Magazine webinar: Power Your Productivity with #ArcGIS for #Microsoft 365
#Office365 #Excel #PowerBI #Sharepoint #Teams #dataviz #business #CIO #CTO #tech #esri #GIS #spatial #mapping #maps #location #intelligence #geospatial #mapstodon
#esri #directions #arcgis #microsoft #office365 #excel #powerbi #sharepoint #Teams #dataviz #business #cio #cto #tech #GIS #spatial #mapping #maps #location #intelligence #geospatial #mapstodon
In 1 week, #Esri & #Directions magazine webinar: Building #Location-Aware #Forms with the #ArcGIS #Survey123 #web designer
#ArcGISSurvey123 #surveys #DataCollection #smartforms #mobile #GIS #esri #arcgis #geospatial #GISchat #govtech #geography #geographyteacher #education #mapstodon
#govtech #geography #geographyteacher #education #esri #directions #location #Forms #arcgis #survey123 #web #arcgissurvey123 #Surveys #datacollection #smartforms #mobile #GIS #geospatial #gischat #mapstodon
In 1 week, Rok Technologies & #Directions Magazine webinar: #Kubernetes and #ArcGIS: Staying Ahead of Evolving #Tech
#ArcGISEnterprise #ArcGISAdmin #GIO #IT #GIS #esri #WebGIS #geospatial #GISchat #mapstodon #EsriPartners
#directions #kubernetes #arcgis #tech #ArcGISEnterprise #ArcGISAdmin #GIO #it #GIS #esri #WebGIS #geospatial #gischat #mapstodon #esripartners
Be Sure to Shake That Deodorant Well...
#funny #funnypics #humor #humour #photo #photography #photos #pics #picture #picture #wtf #translation #directions
#funny #funnypics #humor #humour #photo #photography #photos #pics #picture #wtf #translation #directions
Ask for someone's address in Hebrew :)
#address #whatsyouraddress #hebrew #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #hebrewbyinbal #jewish #home #directions #homebase #location #Fediverse #Mastodon #mazeldon #jews
#address #whatsyouraddress #hebrew #learnhebrew #speakhebrew #everydayhebrew #hebrewbyinbal #jewish #home #directions #homebase #location #fediverse #mastodon #mazeldon #jews
The Argyle Sweater
by Scott Hilburn
for February 18, 2023
#cartoon #humor #proofreading #autocorrect #hearingaids #geography #maps #gps #directions #trombalazana
#trombalazana #directions #gps #maps #geography #hearingaids #autocorrect #proofreading #humor #cartoon
When someone asks you for #directions on the street?
#directions #analog #digital #gmaps #googlemaps #applemaps #osm
when was the last #time you got #lost ? #memory #consciousness #space #directions #travel #elpaso #nyc #ufo
#time #lost #memory #consciousness #space #directions #travel #elpaso #nyc #ufo
Ja, #EduCheck und #DIRECTIONS sind wohl nicht auf schnelle Ergebnisse konzipiert.
Sie haben (nach Allem was auf der Homepage und der Stellenausschreibung der #FWU beschrieben ist) wohl auch nicht sehr viel Personal am Start. ...
Davon abgesehen ist das neben den #LfDI wohl die einzige zentrale Stelle (aka Hoffnung), die Schulen aufklärt, wie das mit der #Eigenverantwortung gemeint ist. 🤷
#eigenverantwortung #lfdi #FWU #directions #eduCheck
"I should have taken that left turn at #Albuquerque " - Bugs Bunny
#Warnerbros #BugsBunny #directions #lost
Same vibe : Hourly Otters
#albuquerque #warnerbros #bugsbunny #directions #lost
"I should have taken that left turn at #Albuquerque " - Bugs Bunny
#Warnerbros #BugsBunny #directions #lost
#albuquerque #warnerbros #bugsbunny #directions #lost
🖤🕯️ Starter #ShadowWork - 8 Things to QUIT in #2023 !!
▪️ 1. Living in the #Past - There are so many things in our lives that makes us feel so incredibly stuck in our past and in our old ways. It's important we recognize that while ruminating on our past can bring closer, we need to be careful not to slip into #Comfort in order to not have to change. Our past is #Directions on what To Do and what Not To Do in the future.
▪️ 2. Fearing #Change - Whether you're the type of person who can 'handle' change or not, change is always going to happen, with or without your corporation. It's better we at least move with the changes in our lives instead of fighting too heavily against it. Not all changes will be #Positive in nature, but all are often very necessary.
▪️ 3. Being Afraid to Be #Different - We are all #Unique in our own ways, and it's our #Differences that make us who we are. Even under the fear of being singled out, we should want to be ourselves more than we want to 'fit in' with what are most likely rather boring people. Being yourself is your greatest #SuperPower because no one else on this planet is YOU!
▪️ 4. Not Addressing Problematic #Thoughts - There are plenty of us who use #SelfDeprecating comments as a way of poking fun at ourselves. The problem here is that comments like these stem from very negative thoughts about yourselfs, and how can we heal when we think so lowly of ourselves we actually say the awful things out loud? We need to be kinder to ourselves, because true #Healing only happens when we give ourselves a little #Grace.
▪️ 5. Trying to #Please Everyone - You maybe one of those people who feels the need to take care of everyone around them, including pleasing behaviors as not to 'rock the boat' around certain people. But if we care moe about other #Opinions and #Feelings who is taking care of ours? Pleasing YOURSELF and your needs should be far above taking care of others.
▪️ 6. #OverThinking - This obviously goes hand in hand with problematic thoughts, but this more so means we need to stop thinking ourselves into toxic mental circles! Ones #MentalHealth cannot improve if all we do is think ourselves into little black holes of nothingness.
▪️ 7. Thinking You Have No #Purpose - If you're anything like me, you probably had a #Dream for your life that never came true or ended up being unable to be accomplished. But that doesn't mean our purpose just flew out the window with that dream! We forget that our entire existence is a #Miracle and a huge part of our purpose. It's never too late to find a #New dream that gives your life so much purpose you won't even know what to do with yourself!
▪️ 8. Thinking You're Not Good Enough - Being #GoodEnough is a myth we make up for ourselves when we aren't meeting our own #Standards. The people closest to us also tend to have these standards, which adds more stress onto our already incredibly #HighStandards for ourselves. We may not be able to meet all of life's expectations, but that doesn't mean that we aren't 'good enough' exactly the way we are.
Heading into 2023, I really just want us to be able to give ourselves more kindness, more grace, and more self-understanding. Life is rough enough, holding ourselves to incredibly high standards is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves during our healing journeys. Be kind. Be loving. Be understanding. We are all human, and it's one of the few things we all have in common. 🖤
#shadowwork #past #comfort #directions #change #positive #different #unique #differences #superpower #thoughts #SelfDeprecating #healing #grace #please #opinions #feelings #overthinking #mentalhealth #Purpose #dream #miracle #new #goodenough #standards #HighStandards
#SelfCare is called SELF for a reason.
Only YOU know how to properly care for yourself: how to maintain a regular sleep schedule, how to eat healthier, how to spend time in nature, how you practice spirituality, what hobbies you enjoy, and so much more is only accomplished when you chose to #Care about yourself!
Plus, You'll be expressing SELF gratitude as a result of your hard inner work and #Healing journey.
Now, taking advice from others on how THEY practice their own self-care is always a wonderful way of learning new ways YOU may be able to take care of yourself. But it's important to remember that there is a big difference between #Advice #Instructions and #Directions!
Allow yourself to heal at your own pace, and allow yourself the grace to learn and adjust accordingly 💕
#selfcare #Care #healing #advice #instructions #directions
Quick! Stop what you are doing and turn to the NORTH.
How'd it go?
(No shame whatever you get!)
My new project on #fxhash, "Scattered Pathways", is open!
Edition of 444, 2 XTZ
#walker #avoidance #map #schematic #directions #grid #tezos #CleanNFT #genartclub #p5js
#fxhash #walker #avoidance #map #schematic #directions #grid #tezos #CleanNFT #genartclub #p5js
For anyone looking for #Directions for a product, lets not forget about the great free #resource, #DirectionsForMe!
#directions #resource #DirectionsForMe
“If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me…” (Psalm 139:9-10, NLT).
#morning #guidance #guide #directions #morningsky
#morning #guidance #guide #directions #morningsky