Anyone use or other #ai tools to complete #medical notes?
Even in the simpler #DPC model, taking notes is distracting while talking to patients and finishing notes later so that they are useful to others is a time consuming chore.
No relationship to nor any other software, just hate this task and starting to read good things from colleagues online.
#primarycare #familymedicine
#internalmedicine #pediatrics #directprimarycare
#freed #ai #medical #dpc #primarycare #familymedicine #internalmedicine #pediatrics #directprimarycare
From @STAT:
"A new paper suggests a simple fix to the primary care physician shortage"
TLDR? Have #medicare ( #CMS ) pay them more. #healthinsurance too
This has been discussed in the media and a big subject of advocacy for decades but apparently you can still publish a paper about it now.
#directprimarycare allows physicians and patients to fix #primarycare without waiting for this.
#internalmedicine #pediatrics #familymedicine #medmastodon #RUC #AMA
#medicare #cms #directprimarycare #primarycare #familymedicine #MedMastodon #internalmedicine #pediatrics #RUC #ama #healthinsurance
Thanks for another great #healthinsurance article.
We're a #directprimarycare #familymedicine practice but still run into this frequently with insurers, i.e. automatic denials, followed by complicated time consuming online forms and phone calls, even "peer to peer" for tests that meet their criteria.
#healthinsurance #directprimarycare #familymedicine
@brittanytrang @STAT
5. There are now over 1000 #directprimarycare physicians with most starting new practices in the last ten years but the only article on @STAT is a negative opinion piece by an academic with mistaken assumptions and confusing #DPC with its more expensive cousin, #concierge care.
You can do better.
#directprimarycare #dpc #Concierge
2. A large proportion, if not most, of medical care is routine, non-urgent and potentially 'shoppable' but we prepay for it with the same mechanisms we use for ER visits and big inpatient stays causing great harm. It's like using auto insurance for oil changes or homeowner's to have the plumber fix the toilet.
Yes, I'm biased as a #directprimarycare doc but this realization was a big part of why I left #insurance paid practice eight years ago.
#directprimarycare #insurance #dpc #costsofcare
There are apparently a couple of #directprimarycare or #dpc practices on two of the islands. None listed on Kauai but sometimes these maps and listings aren't up to date so it might be worth calling one listed to see if they have colleagues on your island now.
DPC is a simpler, more affordable way of making the $$ work in primary care (typically about 1/5 of your old doc's new price)
#directprimarycare #dpc #primarycare
Another reason I'm glad we left the insurance racket eight years ago.
#healthinsurance #MedMastodon #costsofcare #dpc #directprimarycare
Revolutionizing healthcare: Meet the DPC doctors - better, faster, cheaper
#PrimaryCareQuarterback #TomBradyOfMedicine #DirectPrimaryCare #BetterFasterCheaper #HighQualityCare #TopNotchDoctors #HealthcareRevolution #MedicalExcellence
Paula Muto is a vascular surgeon.
Listen here:
#primarycarequarterback #tombradyofmedicine #directprimarycare #betterfastercheaper #highqualitycare #topnotchdoctors #healthcarerevolution #medicalexcellence
@robsonfletcher While I'm not familiar with Canadian medical law, I've run a lower priced membership practice in the US for 9 years.
We have similar concierge practices here like this that carefully write their contracts to charge memberships and bill Medicare and insurers as well. They're expensive.
However US docs can simply cancel our contracts with insurers and "opt out" of Medicare so we can use a simpler, less expensive model, #directprimarycare , #dpc
@bicmay No mention of #directprimarycare which is small (a couple of thousand docs/practices) but stable and growing . #DPC
@mike_johansen Don't assume increasing primary care pay requires making it more expensive.
A bit part of the cost of primary care is the big staff needed to deal with insurance and payer caused inefficiencies.
My overhead in #directprimarycare #dpc is about 1/3 what it was in traditional third party paid practice. It's affordable for many middle class patients here.
Add a EBT card for a SNAP like paymenta for the poor and you can include them. We offer charity care for now.
#directprimarycare #dpc #familymedicine
'And I would put my babies to bed, and they'd say, "How many charts do you have left tonight, mommy?"'
#PBS with a story about #directprimarycare ( #DPC ):
#pbs #directprimarycare #dpc #MedMastodon #costsofcare #familymedicine
'...Until the system changes, some doctors are finding ways to opt out. I spoke to several physicians who have started direct-care practices, in which patients pay a modest monthly fee to see doctors who can offer them more personalized out-of-network care, without having to answer to administrators or insurers..."
#familymedicine #directprimarycare
#familymedicine #directprimarycare #MedMastodon #costsofcare
@Healthcare_Kate @rvaughnmd Better yet, take primary care back from the institutions. Routine primary care can be simpler and more affordable. #directprimarycare
For those who can't afford our fees (currently $55 to 80/month for adults), we donate memberships to the local free clinic.
In an ideal world, they could use an EBT card like at the grocery store but that's a political issue
#medicaid #dpc #directprimarycare #familymedicine
@bicmay @rvaughnmd In our experience, low income patients find us less expensive than local hospital ($160 or $300 for the two most common visit types) plus we get them labs and generic meds for 20% over wholesale (labs are 3-5x more at the hospital).
We encourage #medicaid or a subsidized ACA plan which works well for care beyond #DPC but 20% are still uninsured. Both of those work well with DPC (paid out of pocket).
#dpc #costsofcare #healtheconomics #medicaid #directprimarycare
@rvaughnmd @bicmay Those of us trying to grow the #directprimarycare movement disagree. Primary care docs need to stop waiting/hoping for the Medicare/single payer/Walmart/Amazon/etc. etc. to fix #primarycare We and our patients can go a long way towards making it simpler and more effective again.
#primarycare #directprimarycare
Got a reminder today that I should dislike #facebook as much as #twitter. I was informed that my post two months ago sharing a Best Science Medicine podcast episode about the evidence for UTI diagnosis violates community standards and if I do it again I may have my account revoked.
At least some of #medtwitter has moved here to Mastodon but unfortunately Facebook is still one of the best ways to reach my #directprimarycare colleagues.
#facebook #twitter #medtwitter #directprimarycare
@Jdreben Same problems with #primarycare here in #maine. It’s changed quite a bit in the twenty one years I’ve done it here.
#dpc or #directprimarycare helps docs and patients by simplifying primary care, making it more sustainable again for docs and more affordable for patients.
#primarycare #maine #dpc #directprimarycare
@BruceMirken My little for-profit #directprimarycare practice and 1-2 thousand like it do a far better job at delivering primary care simply and affordably than the non-profits and government entities I've experienced.