@publicvoit @timbray I bothered with not spacing right up until I noticed that at some point tab-completion had become a thing... like two decades ago (that I noticed, not sure if it became such earlier).
I promptly stopped caring after that. I eventually picked-up #Emacs (and more specificaly #dired) which made it even less of an issue and also covered weird/corrupt characters that most shells don't handle properly.
I've released v0.7 of #dired-rsync for #emacs. I assume most people have been tracking #melpa but for those stable fans: https://www.bennee.com/~alex/blog/2023/07/14/dired-rsync-07-released/
While testing a pull request for #dired-rsync I realised my #ert tests were broken and I never noticed because I can no longer see stuff in travis. It took a bit of trial and error but I've converted it all to #github actions now and got everything running again. I'll see if I can do the same for edit with #emacs tomorrow.
you mean like #exa and i think also #lsd in terminal does it? Sure why not
And now for the last one: I came up with an idea two days ago and announced it on /r/emacs. It's a colouring system for items in #dired #Emacs. Almost none of my programmer friends could figure out why I would want to colour files different, which is funny because I can't think of a perfect system which *doesn't* use colours like this.
But somebody made it for me and it's now available and it works great. 💖 Thank you Karthink!
If you are okay with #KDE apps, #KRename is great for this sort of thing.
You could also try rename (the perl version - it is "perl-rename" on #gentoo. Something like
# perl-rename 's/:/-/g' *
# perl-rename 's/\./_/g' *
BUT, not sure if you need to escape the . or not in that second one.
If you use #emacs, #dired would also let you do find and replace to bulk rename. Open a dired buffer in the folder, ctrl-x ctrl-q to make the buffer editable. C-c C-c to finish and rename.
#kde #krename #gentoo #emacs #dired
Este #viernesdeescritorio quiero mostrarles... en realidad lo bueno está en la terminal arriba a la izquierda. ¿Vieron cuánta memoria; cuántos procesadores? 😉
Sí, también hay #emacs con #dired y un panel que estoy haciendo con #inkscape y todo gestionado por #i3.
#viernesdeescritorio #emacs #dired #inkscape #i3
#Emacs finding of the day:
when in #Dired mode, hitting `Z` (un)compresses a file or directory.
Quick docstring lookup with `C-h f dired-do-compress` says
Compress or uncompress marked (or next ARG) files.
If invoked on a directory, compress all of the files in
the directory and all of its subdirectories, recursively,
into a .tar.gz archive.
If invoked on a .tar.gz or a .tgz or a .zip or a .7z archive,
uncompress and unpack all the files in the archive.
It came in handy today!
🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll explore the depths of Emacs' Dired feature to see if we can discover some of its lesser-known capabilities. We'll try to figure out bulk file operations, file previews, advanced Dired buffer tricks, and more.
Let's figure out how to use this package properly!
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- https://systemcrafters.net/live-streams/may-19-2023/
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#systemcrafters #gnu #emacs #dired #freesoftware
Finalizing a project, #emacs with #dired and #kmacros was the right tool for bulk replacing per-file CSS https://orys.us/uL
In Windows, there's an easy way to print documents from the file browser. I was hoping to find a similar method in Linux. There isn't really. I could write a brief Bash script to do the job, but that's excessive. There were add-ons for Dolphin that didn't work for me. Enter #Emacs with #dired. Just mark the files you want, then "P" to send them to the print command lpr. It may complain about no default. Get a list of printers `lpstat. lpstat -p -d and `lpoptions -d <printer>` to set the default.
I'm amused not to see it here yet, but #GNU #Emacs my favorite code editor and system shell should count. :3
One can use it for managing files (#dired), listening to music and watching videos (#emms), interacting with #Usenet (#Gnus), interacting with one's #email (#mu4e) or coding. All through a built-in scripting language called #EmacsLisp.
Less cheekily, https://git.sr.ht/~niklaseklund/detached.el is cool, it's like screen/tmux+ssh for Emacs, to run detached programs remotely.
#gnu #emacs #dired #emms #usenet #email #emacslisp #mu4e #gnus
Marcin Borkowski: The benefits of everything being a buffer
It's been a long slow day wading through stuff for $DAYJOB so it was nice to unwind with a little #elisp bug fix for #dired #rsync that kills two bugs in one patch: https://github.com/stsquad/dired-rsync/pull/42
Emacs is such a wonderful journey of "hrmm I wonder if that ... works ... sure does!" sometimes ... open a directory with dired and tramp over ssh via /ssh:host:/path/ and directory has a .tar.gz in it ... "hrmm ... I wonder" ... press RET on the tarball ... oh lordy that worked ... press RET on a file INSIDE the tarball ... oh sheesh that worked too <3 #emacs #dired #trampmode