Hundreds of elders marched through the streets of DC in @ThirdActOrg action to shame #dirtybanks for crimes against humanity #ClimateStrike #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #PeopleNotProfit #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #ForestsAreNotRenewable #TomorrowIsTooLate #StopEACOP #StopWillow #NoMoreDrilling
#dirtybanks #climatestrike #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis #climateemergency #peoplenotprofit #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #forestsarenotrenewable #tomorrowistoolate #stopeacop #stopwillow #nomoredrilling
#DirtyBanks #ThirdAct #ClimateChange
I only just heard about this today on Boston Public Radio.
If you can, join a local group. If you can, cut up a card from these huge banks. I have a chase/Amazon card and I will cut that bad boy up. Using was so easy, I get points, but it's at a cost.
#dirtybanks #thirdact #ClimateChange