No one should ever take criticisms from this man seriously ever again. With each passing day, he reveals how terrible he really is
#richardkeys #wifewithcancer #dirtyoldman
Am I the only person who didn’t know Boris is married to a woman who looks like his granddaughter’s daughter’s best friend? In this photo he looks like Jeff Daniels from Dumb and Dumber, which is an insult to both Jeff and his character.
The culture of the #DirtyOldMan - #PaulGaugin and little girls
I just saw a Savage comedian who was known in the 90s for being dodgy to school girls on Grafton Street. He was standing open mouthed, car door left open, in a petrol station. He was watching 3 barely clothed 18 year olds going in to get vodka
#dodgy #dirtyOldMan
Is it hard to be a lecherous dirty old man and also a dedicated and respectful social transformer?
サザンオールスターズ – 愛はスローにちょっとずつ(Full ver.)
#40周年 #DIRTYOLDMAN~さらば夏よ~ #j-pop #oh!クラウディア #ROCKINJAPAN #tsunami #Yeah!! #アロエ #いとしのエリー #サザンオールスターズ #ダーリン #みんなのうた #公式 #勝手にシンドバッド #君こそスターだ #壮年JUMP #希望の轍 #彩~Aja~ #新曲 #明日晴れるかな #東京VICTORY #栄光の男 #桑田佳祐 #波乗りジョニー #海のOh #海のyeah!! #涙のキッス #涙の海で抱かれたい #白い恋人達 #真夏の果実 #秘密のデート #紅白 #紅白歌合戦 #賀来賢人 #邦楽
#邦楽 #賀来賢人 #紅白歌合戦 #紅白 #秘密のデート #真夏の果実 #白い恋人達 #涙の海で抱かれたい #涙のキッス #海のyeah #海のoh #波乗りジョニー #桑田佳祐 #栄光の男 #東京victory #明日晴れるかな #新曲 #彩 #希望の轍 #壮年jump #君こそスターだ #勝手にシンドバッド #公式 #みんなのうた #ダーリン #サザンオールスターズ #いとしのエリー #アロエ #yeah #tsunami #ROCKINJAPAN #oh #j #dirtyoldman #40周年
A fantasy for your consideration:
Her: Confess.
Me: I have urges.
Her: Elaborate.
Me: I want to rub my hard cock against you.
Her: You're a nasty dirty old man.
Me: That just makes it hotter. Now I want to do it until I cum on you.
Her: Disgusting!
Me: Oh fuck. Don't stop saying that!
Her: Let's get this over with.
#femdom #oldermen #dirtyoldman
I cannot respond
Out loud, at least
To horny posts
From young ladies
Hell! From anyone
It would be neither proper
Nor acceptable
At all
#DieGedankensindfrei #dirtyoldman