If things go well, I'll be able to post something really neat tomorrow!
In the meantime, have a related video to it -- my own fan edit of Battle Beast's "Russian Roulette" to a "TV Size" version, and syncing it with the visuals for "Russian Roulette" from Dirty Pair.
I still hope one day to get a cleaner version of the animation but I still am proud of this! First "AMV" that's not really an AMV lol
#DirtyPair #BattleBeast #AMV #HeavyMetal #PowerMetal #RetroAnime
#dirtypair #battlebeast #amv #heavymetal #powermetal #retroanime
Just randomly flipping through Japanese TV channels, and damn, #DirtyPair: Project E.D.E.N. suddenly shows up.
Great pick, Wowow Plus.
Come to think of it, #Xena and #DirtyPair are nearly identical shows, despite their differing mediums.
Both star pairs of wandering warrior women who do good deeds and are heavily implied to be in lesbians with each other
LUNEDÌ RETRO➡️ Dirty Pair Flash
🔆 Hola qui è Anketsu che vi scrive e come ogni lunedì sulla mia pagina trovate la rubrica dedicata alla scoperta di tutti gli anime/manga giapponesi più interessanti del passato
Voi conoscete già la serie di oggi? Se si fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate con un commento altrimenti correte a recuperarla!
➡️ @Anketsu_official
➡️ #Anketsu
Il mio Sito Web
➡️ http://www.Anketsu.com
#anketsu #anime #manga #dirtypair #anitoot #AnimeSegreto
Here's a teaser for this month's exclusive picture, featuring Kei and Yuri from "The Dirty Pair", available from my Fantia, Fanbox or Patreon. The Fantia version also has a "Story Time" option.
Please support my work at:
http://fantia.jp/fanclubs/478784, http://madoc.fanbox.cc/ or
#TheDirtyPair #DirtyPair #80sanime #kei #yuri #lesbian
#thedirtypair #dirtypair #80sanime #kei #yuri #lesbian
tokumeiAsan RT @yurikei_: #DirtyPair #ダーティペア
たまたまこのカットのラッシュを見た富野監督(2スタで「逆シャア」制作中)が、翌日でっかい地球儀を抱えて2スタに・・・。 https://t.co/Iedu28zcrX https://twitter.com/tokumeiAsan/status/1632528237363605504
I haven't really mentioned it, but last year I created a #DirtyPair subreddit. Today I posted some pretty cool retro art there: https://www.reddit.com/r/dirty_pair/comments/10xxe0x/these_movie_poster_parodies_from_the_dirty_pair/
RT @yurikei_@twitter.com
#DirtyPair #ダーティペア
That is not what this says.... that is not AT ALL what this says
My version of one of the best 80's anime duos: Kei and Yuri from D̵i̵r̵t̵y̵ ̵P̵a̵i̵r̵ Lovely Angels
#dirtypair #lovelyangels #anime #80sanime #fanart #retrotv
#retrotv #FanArt #80sanime #Anime #lovelyangels #dirtypair
RT @Parotaku: When you are an anime director in the 80s and want to pay hommage to all your favorite movies... ^^ #DirtyPair #ダーティペア https://twitter.com/Parotaku/status/1210328532645240833/photo/1
ひさびさにかいたユリ&ケイ #ダーティペア #DirtyPair #絵チャ #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/7676182682722744947 https://pawoo.net/media/m3fz6v_qKSAAXfmRpAA
#pixivsketch #絵チャ #dirtypair #ダーティペア
ひさびさにかいたユリ&ケイ #ダーティペア #DirtyPair #絵チャ #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/7676182682722744947 https://pawoo.net/media/m3fz6v_qKSAAXfmRpAA
#pixivsketch #絵チャ #dirtypair #ダーティペア
To help make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post and repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
#melt_banana #dirtypair #jackkirby #artist #thepatspats #kimdeal #labyrinth #comics
I should probably do a proper #introduction post. I've been a geeky person all my life. Happily married with several kids. I run www.TardisCaptain.com a geek blog where I talk about #StarTrek #DoctorWho #TTRPG #rpg #DungeonsAndDragons #StarWars #BattlestarGalactica #Stargate #Firefly #Aliens #Dune #Farscape #Svengoolie #CreatureFeatures #RedDwarf #DirtyPair #Foundation #zombies #Tron #VideoGames #JamesBond #Conventions #Cosplay #ScienceFiction #Archer #MontyPython #pirates #comics #superheroes #quotes #Elric #meme #humor #UtahJazz #Music and more. I'm sure that I'm forgetting something. I've been impressed with Mastodon so far.
#introduction #startrek #doctorwho #ttrpg #rpg #dungeonsanddragons #starwars #battlestargalactica #stargate #firefly #aliens #dune #farscape #Svengoolie #creaturefeatures #reddwarf #dirtypair #foundation #zombies #tron #videogames #jamesbond #conventions #cosplay #sciencefiction #archer #montypython #pirates #comics #superheroes #quotes #elric #meme #humor #utahjazz #music
Kei & Yuri are the "Dirty Pair" forming a band called the “Lovely Angels”; but, who would be their drummer?
#DirtyPair #LovelyAngels #Kei #Yuri #drums #drummers #bunnygirl #bunnygirls #anime #ドラム #バニーガール #ダーティペア #ラブリーエンゼル #ケイ #ユリ #アニメ
#dirtypair #lovelyangels #kei #yuri #drums #drummers #bunnygirl #bunnygirls #anime #ドラム #バニーガール #ダーティペア #ラブリーエンゼル #ケイ #ユリ #アニメ