48HFP movie screening and premieres tonight!! I will be at the SIFF theater uptown Seattle for the 6:30pm showing. If you see me, come say hi! #DirtyTricks #seattle48hfp #BlueEggFilms
#dirtytricks #seattle48hfp #blueeggfilms
Report into Misleading Electoral Advertising Slams Conservatives, Labour and Libs Dems for Dirty Tricks on the Doorstep – Byline Times
#localelections2023 #LocalElections #LocalElection #tories #labour #libdems #dirtytricks #campaigning #cap #asa #lies
Giuliani bragging about one of the #DirtyTricks suppressing Hispanic votes --that he used in his campaigns...
(Trump utilized same tactics for the Census, etc)
Hispanic immigrants and even American born relatives were threatened and harassed--- in order to #suppress their #vote & #presence
#presence #Vote #suppress #dirtytricks
Giuliani bragging about one of the #DirtyTricks suppressing Hispanic votes --that he used in his campaigns...
(Trump utilized same tactics for the Census, etc)
Hispanic immigrants and even American born relatives were threatened and harassed--- in order to #suppress their #vote & #presence
#presence #Vote #suppress #dirtytricks
>“Republicans don’t do dirty tricks”
>“How 'bout this?”
Giuliani spent $2m to set up a 'Voter Integrity Committee' headed by Randy Levine, current president of the New York Yankees baseball team, and John Sweeney, a former New York Republican congressman.
“So they went through East Harlem, which is all Hispanic, and they gave out little cards, and the card said: ‘If you come to vote, make sure you have your green card because INS are picking up illegals.’
Republicans Did Something Most People Don’t Like, So They’re Changing the Rules
Rep.strategist had to limit voting on college campuses and tighten rules for voter registration and mail-in ballots. Only then, she said, could Republicans level the playing field for the 2024 presidential election. “The left has manipulated the electoral systems to favor one side — theirs,” she said in her presentation. “Our constitutional Republic’s survival is at stake”
More on Tory gerrymandering to disenfranchise voters.
Rick Wilson gets the appeal of a third party in an age of hyper-partisanship.
“If you hear ‘No Labels, Problem Solvers,’ it sounds great, doesn't it?” he said.
But the former longtime Republican strategist, who in 2019 co-founded the Lincoln Project to fight the GOP’s growing autocratic impulses of the Donald Trump era, is issuing a dire warning about a group promising to promote bipartisanship.
#Canada ’s top #pharmaceutical #LobbyGroup paid #StatisticsCanada to produce a series of #CustomizedReports that painted a flattering picture of their contribution to the country’s economy, documents reveal.
#InnovativeMedicinesCanada (IMC), which represents dozens of pharmaceutical companies, then used those reports as part of its #lobbying & #PublicRelations #campaigns without #disclosing that it paid for the analysis.
#canada #pharmaceutical #lobbygroup #StatisticsCanada #customizedreports #innovativemedicinescanada #lobbying #publicrelations #campaigns #disclosing #dirtytricks #corporategreed #medical #health
A Four-Decade Secret: One Man’s Story #BenBarnes of #Sabotaging Carter’s #Reelection A prominent Texas politician said he unwittingly took part in a 1980 tour of the #MiddleEast with a #clandestine agenda. #JimmyCarter #Reagan #OctoberSurprise #HostageCrisis #Iran #AmericanHistory #fact vs #lies #politics #republicans #GarySick # JohnConnally #Texas #president #CIA #DirtyTricks https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/politics/jimmy-carter-october-surprise-iran-hostages.html
#benbarnes #sabotaging #reelection #middleeast #clandestine #jimmycarter #reagan #octobersurprise #hostagecrisis #iran #americanhistory #fact #lies #politics #republicans #garysick #texas #President #CIA #dirtytricks
After allegedly subjecting employees to relentless abuse, the far-right provocateur has finally lost control of his activist group.
James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, a right-wing media nonprofit known for its theatrical undercover “sting” operations, has left the group amid accusations of “financial malfeasance” and abusive
#WhiteNationalists #Fascists #Dirtytricks
#whitenationalists #fascists #dirtytricks
#RogerStone, the man who did #DirtyTricks for #RichardNixon and #RonaldReagan ... The man who was notorious in his support for #DonaldTrump
and the #ProudBoys and helped organize #Jan6...
Yeah, that asshole.
Well, he also worked for #KeithRaniere who was the leader of the #NXIVM sex cult! Don't believe me? Here, Stone says so in an interview with #FrankParlato with his own words!
#rogerstone #dirtytricks #richardnixon #ronaldreagan #donaldtrump #proudboys #Jan6 #keithraniere #nxivm #frankparlato #trump #cult
Aaaand that's Buzzfeed deleted from my newsfeed -- not that it was ever "news," but it was a guilty pleasure:
"This announcement comes after Buzzfeed laid off 12 percent of its newsroom in December, blaming 'challenging macroeconomic conditions.' On Monday, news broke that Meta, Facebook's parent company, has been paying Buzzfeed millions to help generate creator content for Facebook and Instagram."
#BuzzFeed #ai #artificialintelligence #writers #writing #DirtyTricks
#buzzfeed #ai #artificialintelligence #writers #writing #dirtytricks
#Pfizer used #dirtytricks to avoid massive payout to #Nigeria, 2009 #WikiLeaks cables reveal
#neverforget #wikileaks #nigeria #dirtytricks #Pfizer
Pegasus -- the Israeli company behind some of the world's most evil* spying software -- is moving it's management to London while the five companies involved will remain under Luxembourg law.
They claim it's for "administrative reasons".
* As used by Bone Saw in Jamal Khashoggi's killing & by countless other dictators to silence their critics.
#pegasus #spyware #dirtytricks
Political operative infiltrates the media to execute hit jobs
She was an ABC News producer. She also was a corporate operative
A journalist's role in political dirty tricks
Interviews for this story and Matrix ledgers show Hentschel traded on her work for ABC News at least three times to trip up Florida politicians whose stances on environmental regulations cut against the interests of major Matrix clients.
@crybaby Some years back I posted about a supposed "Tactics for Conservative Blogging" playbook.
I can't vouch for the authenticity of the piece. The tactics themselves seem plausible however:
My writeup, which includes numerous other references and links as well:
The Reactionary Political Debate Playbook: Karl Rove's Bag of Dirty Tricks
Original: http://web.archive.org/web/20120425033837/http://www.theyoungturks.com/story/2011/8/26/151725/396/Diary/TACTICS-FOR-EFFECTIVE-CONSERVATIVE-BLOGGING-By-Karl-Rove
The most useful things to pull from this as I see it are:
#dirtytricks #reactionarydebate #politics #rhetoric