Thank you for the massive support over the past day. Needless to say you shouldn’t be hearing from me (about my needs) for the rest of the month ❤️💜🤎
#disability #blm #BlackMastodon #disabilityaid #mutualaid #vancouver #pwd #actuallyautistic #Housingforall #Crowdfund #vanpoli #canpoli #CanadaDisabilityBenefit #C22
#disability #blm #BlackMastodon #disabilityaid #mutualaid #vancouver #pwd #actuallyautistic #housingforall #crowdfund #vanpoli #canpoli #canadadisabilitybenefit #c22
Don’t forget: We’ll be at #Dreamforce for The Power of Partnerships to Advance Disability Employment panel. We will be joined by Sarah Mark, Frank Lombardo, Kyle Lewis, and Cala Campfield. Everyone has a different path to career success, and we’re committed to empowering Trailblazers with disabilities to find accessibility and success in the Salesforce economy.
#dreamforce #dreamforce2023 #salesforce #disability #a11y #tech
“lingering symptoms” is not how I've heard a single person with #LongCovid describe it..
#Disability #ViralPersistence #OrganDamage #Autoimmunity #ShortenedLifeExpectancy
#LongCOVID #disability #viralpersistence #OrganDamage #autoimmunity #shortenedlifeexpectancy
ACL proposes first federal regulations for APS programs: national standards, enhanced data consistency, & mandatory staff training. As a mandated reporter, I've waited for this. Check the Federal Register for details & join the Sept 18 webinar. https://acl.gov/APSrule #APS #AdultProtection #CommunityLiving #Disability #OlderAdults
#olderadults #disability #communityliving #adultprotection #aps
More ideological cruelty from the state and the DWP:
‘Fitness for work’ test changes are ‘horrendously dangerous’, activists warn – Disability News Service
#Disability #DisabilityJustice #DWP #AbolishTheState #DPAC #ChronicIllness
#disability #DisabilityJustice #DWP #abolishthestate #DPAC #chronicillness
Read along with Todd Cerveris as he bikes 620 miles over 2 weeks. This badass raised a combined $6K for the National MS Society and World Bicycle Relief.
#BikeTooter #bikes #disability #ms #multiplesclerosis
Groundbreaking vaccine delivers extra-long protection against #RheumatoidArthritis https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/groundbreaking-vaccine-delivers-extra-long-protection-against-rheumatoid-arthritis
#WomenWithDisabilities #arthritis #WomensHealth #disability
#rheumatoidarthritis #womenwithdisabilities #arthritis #womenshealth #disability
Groundbreaking vaccine delivers extra-long protection against #RheumatoidArthritis https://www.thebrighterside.news/post/groundbreaking-vaccine-delivers-extra-long-protection-against-rheumatoid-arthritis
#WomenWithDisabilities #arthritis #WomensHealth #disability
#rheumatoidarthritis #womenwithdisabilities #arthritis #womenshealth #disability
#VoterID in #England led to #racial and #disability #discrimination, report finds
All-party report on rules governing 2023 local elections calls voter ID system a ‘poisoned cure
#ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryCorruption
#ToryCorruption #torypoliciesinaction #discrimination #disability #racial #england #voterid
The Truth Is Stronger Than the Baton – THE 99%
Trickle-Down – Tragically Hip
A musical offering of one of my favorite songs. Someone set it to images of "Occupy" and other protests against injustice and fascist oppression.
Are the hungry, homeless, and hurting the problem or the hateful haughty hypocrites? You are the 99%.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
#SocialJustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest
#TragicallyHip #TrickleDown #music #FightTheRight #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#socialjustice #activism #hunger #homelessness #poverty #disability #protest #tragicallyhip #trickledown #Music #fighttheright #InvisibleDisabilityRights
I already boosted @ben's original toot (https://a11y.info/@ben/111042729996934702) but in case you, like me, have boosts disabled I'm gonna toot this myself, because I think it is important.
Go read Ben's post about how #AI image generation erases people with #disability. It's been said before, but it bears repeating, and Ben's account is poignant and personal.
#ai #disability #ableism #generativeai
🦒 New post! "I'm a Spotless Giraffe."
#AI models were perplexed by a baby giraffe without spots. They're perplexed by me, too.
This article on #disability and #ableism within #GenerativeAI is more personal than I usually write. It would mean a lot to me if you read and shared it.
With thanks to @janellecshane for her original post!
#ai #disability #ableism #generativeai
I’ve eaten once in four days. One grocery run that’s all I’m aiming for
#disability #blm #BlackMastodon #disabilityaid #mutualaid #vancouver #pwd #actuallyautistic #Housingforall #Crowdfund #vanpoli #canpoli #CanadaDisabilityBenefit #C22
#disability #blm #BlackMastodon #disabilityaid #mutualaid #vancouver #pwd #actuallyautistic #housingforall #crowdfund #vanpoli #canpoli #canadadisabilitybenefit #c22
In Ontario, a full-time minimum wage job will net you a monthly income equivalent to a month's rent on a 1 bedroom apartment.
Surviving on #Disability will net you a monthly income equivalent to 1/2 a month's rent.
#disability #comeondougford #dougford #ontario
Hola Titánicos, como ya sabréis, la prevención del suicidio sigue siendo un desafío universal.
Cada año, el suicidio se encuentra entre las 20 principales causas de muerte a nivel mundial para personas de todas las edades.
Es responsable de más de 800.000 muertes, lo que equivale a un suicidio cada 40 segundos.
Con motivo del día de la Prevención del suicidio, he tenido el honor de realizar una entrevista, bastante dura, con una persona que ha vivido en sus propias carnes varios intentos de suicidio.
Con ello pretendo dar visibilidad a un gran problema, que se cobra vidas, y se vive en silencio, mirando la sociedad a otro lado.
#suicidio #suicidioconsumado #intentodesuicidio #prevenciondelsuicidio #prevencion #SaludMental #Salud #disability #disabilities #discapacidad #visibilidad #ayuda #pideayuda #noestassolo #noestassola #gentetitanica #somosdisca
#suicidio #suicidioconsumado #intentodesuicidio #prevenciondelsuicidio #prevencion #saludmental #salud #disability #disabilities #discapacidad #visibilidad #ayuda #pideayuda #noestassolo #noestassola #gentetitanica #somosdisca
Hola Titánicos, cada 10 de septiembre se celebra el día mundial para la prevención del suicidio, con el objetivo de concienciar a nivel mundial que el suicidio puede prevenirse.
A nivel mundial se suicidan cada año casi un millón de personas, lo que equivale a una persona cada 40 segundos.
#prevenciondelsuicidio #prevencion visibilidad #suicidio #vida #muerte #SaludMental #salud #disability #disabilities #discapacidad #gentetitanica #somosdisca
#prevenciondelsuicidio #prevencion #suicidio #vida #muerte #saludmental #salud #disability #disabilities #discapacidad #gentetitanica #somosdisca
There are only 5 more sleeps until the official release date of Season One: Iris and the Crew Tear Through Space! Here’s fun fact number 6, otherwise known as “Thank Heaven for sensitivity readers.” #Disability #Fiction #SFF #SFFBooks #SpaceOpera #Hopepunk #Books #BookRelease
#bookrelease #books #hopepunk #spaceopera #sffbooks #sff #fiction #disability
UK Government Work Capability Assessment: Activities & Descriptors Open Consultation
The government is seeking views on changing the questions on the WCA "so that assessments reflect greater flexibility and availability of reasonable adjustments in work, particularly home working..." & "The application of Risk to Self or Others..." Closing date for responses October 30
#chronicillness @chronicillness #spoonies @spoonies #mecfs #disability #disabled
#chronicillness #spoonies #mecfs #disability #disabled
#disability #art #comics #ChronicallyOnline #ChronicIllness
Chronically online, emphasis on -chronically-
#chronicillness #ChronicallyOnline #comics #art #disability
Fluctuation, oscillation, intermittent symptoms, flare-up, unpredictable, irregular...these words all describe #dynamicDisability. We need to acknowledge common languages.
Seemingly unrelated ways of being have similar (dynamic) impacts on #accommodations + #inclusiveDesign strategy. Workplaces, schools, institutions rarely take the dynamic nature of #disability into account when making accommodations + designing for #accessibility / #a11y
Thx @tomkindlon for sharing
#dynamicdisability #accommodations #inclusivedesign #disability #accessibility #a11y