I'm nothing like Amanda Palmer and this goes against my very nature alas I'm stuck. If anyone can help would you be kind enough to buy me a some #KoFi's? My #ComputerSystem is dying on its butt and I'm not sure what else I can do, for me my computer system plays a huge part with my #DeafAccessibility. Urgh, so sorry to ask.
#Deaf #CanYouHelp #CapitalismSucks #StuckInARut #Disability #DisabilityAccess #DeafAccess
#kofi #computersystem #deafaccessibility #deaf #canyouhelp #capitalismsucks #stuckinarut #disability #disabilityaccess #deafaccess
Local gallery: "We're looking for a focus group of volunteers to discuss our gallery's accessibility".....
Me: "Fuck you, pay me!"
#disability #disabilityaccess #accessibility #payme
@bandicoot I’m also interested in #UrbanPlanning #bikeways, and #DisabilityAccess
#urbanplanning #bikeways #disabilityaccess
'Not just the ramp.' Worship spaces need more accessibility
What I really want for Christmas:
The ability to talk about pivoting away from a car-centric world WHILE keeping in mind & planning for the access needs of disabled people.
#DisabilityAccess #DisabilityAccommodations #WalkableCities #PublicTransit
#disabilityaccess #disabilityaccommodations #walkablecities #publictransit
Honestly I don't get why Brisbane City Council cannot understand this is a problem #DisabilityAccess #WheelchairStories
#disabilityaccess #wheelchairstories
This is cool! I applied to the dearMoon and Mission: AstroAccess programs but did not make the cut. ♿️🚀 “The First Astronaut With a Disability Is a Paralympic Bronze Medalist” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/the-first-astronaut-with-a-disability-is-a-paralympic-bronze-medalist-180981197/ #DisabilityAccess #spaceexploration
#disabilityaccess #spaceexploration
This is cool! I applied to the dearMoon and Mission: AstroAccess programs but did not make the cut. #DisabilityAccess #spaceexploration ♿️🚀
#disabilityaccess #spaceexploration
I’ve had a SmartDrive since late September. Learning to use it has been an interesting experience. Due to some ill designed bus ramps, and my skill level, I have had to be really selective about how I use it. Even so, it has given me more options and a greater sense of agency. #Disabilityaccess
I’m still dipping my toe into this new sandbox but it’s time for an #introduction. I don’t often post about my life directly but here are some favorite topics in no particular order:
#introduction #spaceexploration #movies #music #disabilityaccess #travel #starwars #arizonastateuniversity #sundevils #denverbroncos #phoenixsuns #gadgets #tech #books #filmnoir #comedy #jamesbond #sciencefiction