Man steps on me in chair
Lizzo turns away, unawares
Where was justice for me?
#lizzo #disabilitydiscrimination #wheelchairaccessibility #haiku #poetry
#lizzo #disabilitydiscrimination #wheelchairaccessibility #haiku #poetry
Global News BC: ‘Traumatizing’: B.C. woman claims casino wouldn’t let her in due to speech impediment #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #disabilitydiscrimination #CascadesCasinoLangley #speechimpediments #CascadesCasino #Discrimination #Langleycasino #LangleyNews #Disability #Consumer
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #disabilitydiscrimination #cascadescasinolangley #speechimpediments #cascadescasino #discrimination #langleycasino #langleynews #disability #Consumer
Court Finds State of Florida Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act By Institutionalizing Children with Disabilities
#FloridaDisabilityRights #ADAViolation #InstitutionalizedChildren #DisabilityDiscrimination #JusticeForChildren #LegalRights #Politics #News
#floridadisabilityrights #adaviolation #institutionalizedchildren #disabilitydiscrimination #justiceforchildren #legalrights #politics #news
After what I've had to endure in my time I will never, ever, work in another office again. It's not worth the frustration, it's not worth the exhaustion, it's not worth the shit wages, it's not worth the excessive workload, it's not worth the stress, it's not worth the sacrifice of a home life, it's not worth the sacrifice of my mental health, it's not worth the sacrifice of my confidence, it's not worth the sacrifice of my self-esteem, it's not worth the clinical depression.
#DisabilityDiscrimination #WorkplaceDiscrimination #Discrimination #WorkplaceBullying #Bullying #OfficePolitics #OfficeJob
#disabilitydiscrimination #workplacediscrimination #discrimination #workplacebullying #bullying #officepolitics #OfficeJob
“#DWP has repeatedly misled and hid evidence from public bodies and those investigating its activities, including coroners, judges, the National Audit Office and its own independent reviewers.”
#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath
#disabilitydeath #disabilityhate #disabilitydiscrimination #disabilityrights #dwpfail #ukgov #dwp
@batat Cars are a necessity for many #disabled &/or #ChronicallyIll individuals (c. third of US and quarter UK pops.) to #access health, services & shops. This may be by way of taxi-cabs in urban areas or private vehicles in rural areas. Nevertheless, cars will always be needed. #accessibility #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityAwareness
#disabled #chronicallyill #access #accessibility #disabilitydiscrimination #disabilityawareness
This, after they discriminated against me as a Deaf customer (“my supervisor will call you”) and assumed I have $1300 to put on hold to get a replacement device even though I’ve paid for Apple Care. I told them multiple times throughout the chat that I was not happy with the support I was given and was actually pretty angry. This is so incredibly inappropriate.
#Apple #CustomerCare #DisabilityDiscrimination #BadCustomerService
#apple #customercare #disabilitydiscrimination #badcustomerservice
“There must be a long-term focus on ending lower living standards for #Disabled people coupled with immediate higher financial payments for Disabled people experiencing the devastating impact of the financial crisis.” - But #UKgov will do nothing as usual!
#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath
Link to #DRUK ‘s website:
#disabled #ukgov #DisabilityRights #disabilitydiscrimination #disabilityhate #disabilitydeath #Druk
The EEOC, a US federal government agency, will hold an important meeting in late January about #AI ( #ArtificialIntelligence), automated systems, and potential employment discrimination. #disabilityDiscrimination #RaceDiscrimination They are calling it a “a new #CivilRights frontier.” Open to the public in person and streaming. Details here:
#ai #artificialintelligence #disabilitydiscrimination #racediscrimination #civilrights
“#Disabled people's rights: UK 2022 follow-up report to UNCRPD 2016 inquiry
A response to the recommendations issued to the #UK by the #un Committee on the Rights of Persons with #Disabilities (#UNCRPD).” Pub 15.12.22
#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath
Link to #UKgov ‘s own website.
#disabled #uk #un #disabilities #UNCRPD #DisabilityRights #disabilitydiscrimination #disabilityhate #disabilitydeath #ukgov
#DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination #DisabilityHate #DisabilityDeath
Link to UK left-of-centre newspaper #TheMirror articled on #UKgov ‘s treatment of #disabled citizens at Christmas (and throughout the years)!
#dwp #dwpfail #DisabilityRights #disabilitydiscrimination #disabilityhate #disabilitydeath #THEMIRROR #ukgov #disabled
Autistic Employee Precedent
So apparently being #ActuallyAutistic in the UK means you are a risk to all children, and you should disclose your autism to everyone so they can shun you appropriately and make sure you never work with kids. I guess that means its ok for them to take away your own kids too? 🤔
News Source: @AutisticDoctor (Mary Doherty)
#disabilitydiscrimination #discrimination #ActuallyAutistic
Autistic Employee Precedent
So apparently being #ActuallyAutistic in the UK means you are a risk to all children, and you should disclose your autism to everyone so they can shun you appropriately and make sure you never work with kids. I guess that means it's ok for them to take away your own kids too?
News Source: @AutisticDoctor (Mary Doherty)
#disabilitydiscrimination #discrimination #ActuallyAutistic
Tracy Keown v Dr Alma Sarajlic t/a Staines Road Surgery
This is a very interesting #disability #discrimination case about working from home requests due to clinical vulnerabilities. Keown was a receptionist with microvascular heart disease who was refused a request to work from home. She has won her case at the #Employment Tribunal. #workfromhome #disabilitydiscrimination #UKemplaw #UKlaw
#uklaw #ukemplaw #disabilitydiscrimination #workfromhome #employment #discrimination #disability
I am so angry right now this is absolutely appalling and inexcusable! Thankfully, the police knew the law! #DisabilityRights #DisabilityDiscrimination
#disabilityrights #disabilitydiscrimination
Clinically Vulnerable people are already being forced into unsafe work. If you can't work, for whatever health reason, it is going to be a huge problem.
#AutumnStatement #DisabilityDiscrimination
Dangerous to force those on UC into work when so many got moved onto that off ESA. Focus on working in DWP section was worrying. If you cant work you'll be left to die basically #AutumnStatement
#disabilitydiscrimination #autumnstatement
Very excited to have an article in the Australian Journal of Education Special Issue: 150 years of Education for Students with Disability: Progress Made and Remaining Challenges published today. My article is called "Unrealised promises and hollow claims: Australia’s failure to enact its international obligations under the CRPD for the education of students with disability" and looks at misalignment between the #CRPD and Australian #DisabilityDiscrimination laws #DDA #DisabilityRightsAreHumanRights #InclusiveEducation
#CRPD #disabilitydiscrimination #dda #disabilityrightsarehumanrights #inclusiveEducation