"I have watched in wonder as
The colours turned to grey
I've seen the metal machines and
The factory dreams
I just got to get away...
...the achin' in my head and the concrete bed
And the politician's velvet feel.
I have watched the skyline grow in
Defiance of the sun
We let it take us and we let it break us
Now the damage has been done."
Triumph - The City (Minstrel's Lament)
#Triumph #music #classic #rock #metal #PowerTrio #Canadian #MusicalOffering #CapitalistGreed #AntiCapitalist #homelessness #disability #inequality #SystemFailure #DisabilityEconomicJustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#triumph #Music #classic #rock #metal #powertrio #canadian #musicaloffering #capitalistgreed #anticapitalist #homelessness #disability #inequality #SystemFailure #disabilityeconomicjustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights
Bravo for this post. Ask the Rightligious Christian organization called "Sunday Breakfast Mission" and they would add isolation to the list.
One of their programs to "help" people that are poor, homeless and struggle with addiction requires participants to give up cell phones and have no contact with the outside world, including loved ones.
I guess it's easier to brainwash people that way.
#ReligiousAbuse #DisabilityEconomicJustice #InducedPoverty #control #Hypochristian #coercion #EndHomelessness #Love4All #Love2All #TearDownTheWall
#religiousabuse #disabilityeconomicjustice #inducedpoverty #control #hypochristian #coercion #endhomelessness #love4all #love2all #teardownthewall
From many of us way down here in the abyss, it doesn't matter what color the tie or who's got a wooden hammer. Things are likely not going to change.
As walter Cronkite used to say, "and you we're there" #woodstock94 was great and Henry Rollins spoke to us.
#politicians #liar #HenryRollinsBand #metal #punk #truth #grey #TearDownTheWall #LetThemEatCake #CakeSucks #equality #TearDownTheWall #DisabilityEconomicJustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#woodstock94 #politicians #liar #henryrollinsband #metal #punk #truth #grey #teardownthewall #letthemeatcake #cakesucks #equality #disabilityeconomicjustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights
"You just come to visit me round election time. Mmm Hmm"
The real thing to fight for.
#BigBrother #classic #poverty #StevieWonder #inequality vs #equality #inclusion #CivilRights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndBigotry #EndAbleism #StopHate #coexist #politics #Earplugs #TheRealIssue #DisabilityEconomicJustice
#bigbrother #classic #poverty #steviewonder #inequality #equality #inclusion #civilrights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #endbigotry #endableism #stophate #coexist #politics #earPlugs #therealissue #disabilityeconomicjustice
Including #DisabilityJustice and #InvisibleDisabilityRights
You know me, I always have at least two cents. :solidarity:
#DisabilityJustice #InvisibleDisabilityRights #disabilityeconomicjustice
New: Revised Hashtag Intro.
Click here 🧠 to expand.
The Proverbial list Evolved:
:solidarity: #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #EndAbleism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #DisabilityAdvocacy #passionate #DisabledVoicesUnite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity
#ConcussionAwareness #TBI #ABI #AnoxicBrainInjury #BrainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #LimbDifference #ActuallyAutisic #OrthopedicDisabilities #SticksAndStones #BrokenBones #NaturesPharmaceutical #DisabilityAcceptance #EndAbleistHateCrime #StopAbleistSlurs #DisabilityEconomicJustice #CripTheVote #DisabilityLobby #HumanInterest #NonPartisan #research #Education #Knowledge
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall
Behind and beside in :solidarity: : #CivilRights #MentalHealth #EndRacism #EndBigotry #LandBack #gratitude Kahnawá:ke #LGBTQIA #BLM #WomenRights #EqualPay #StopViolence #StopAsianHate #POC #EndBigotry for #everyone
#BeYou #BeNice
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall :solidarity: !!
Un peu de moi?
Je ne parle pas couramment Français. I like using #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#FilmMaking #Writing #poetry
Ex-#musician #Songwriter Passé
💐⚘🌺🏵 #GardenCreator extraordinaire. #FlowerGardens
Et Bien plus encore
Original profile is informational only.
New posts and communication will originate from § Voice and § Deux: @OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me
The character count affords me accommodation.
🙏, ✌️, 💛, :solidarity: #accommodation for "👥🫂👤" with #InvisibleDisabilities
Just like many of us, this list is incomplete and still evolving.
Don't forget the ALT text.
#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #endableism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #disabilityadvocacy #passionate #disabledvoicesunite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #ConcussionAwareness #TBI #abi #AnoxicBrainInjury #brainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #limbdifference #actuallyautisic #orthopedicdisabilities #sticksandstones #brokenbones #naturespharmaceutical #disabilityacceptance #endableisthatecrime #stopableistslurs #disabilityeconomicjustice #cripthevote #DisabilityLobby #humaninterest #nonpartisan #research #education #knowledge #unityconquers #teardownthewall #civilrights #mentalhealth #endracism #endbigotry #landback #gratitude #lgbtqia #blm #womenrights #equalpay #stopviolence #StopAsianHate #poc #everyone #beyou #BeNice #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #filmmaking #writing #poetry #musician #songwriter #gardencreator #flowergardens #accommodation #invisibledisabilities