C'est ce samedi à Paris (malheureusement à Paris…) et l'intervention de la pote Harriet de Gouge promet de bons uppercuts de pertinence & justesse. Nous en discutions hier autour d'une pizza sous un arbre, je ne peux que vous recommander d'aller écouter cela publiquement !
Une retransmission ultérieurement devrait être disponible.
#handicap #DisabilityJustice #validisme #criptime #disabilitylife
Yeeeaaahh on veut des médecins handi-es !
Je vous assure les valides qu'être handi-e et passer toute sa vie à ne se faire soigner que par des soignant-es valides, c'est quand même fondamentalement absurde. En tout cas tant que la médecine reste ancrée à du #validisme (entre autres).
#disability #disabled #handi #DisabilityLife #DisabilityJustice #FightAbleism #Accessibilité #CripTime #MedTodon
#validisme #disability #disabled #handi #disabilitylife #DisabilityJustice #FightAbleism #accessibilite #criptime #medtodon
"Nos existences handies", actuellement en rupture de stock, va être réédité en 2024 ! Sous une nouvelle maison d'édition, Monstrograph ayant fermé boutique pour d'autres projets heureux.
En attendant il est toujours possible ici d'écouter gratos toute la version audio du livre (travaillée par @ChiaraChiarel) 👉 https://www.monstrograph.com/product/nos-existences-handies/.
#disability #disabled #DisabilityLife #DisabilityJustice #validisme #FightAbleism #Accessibilité #CripLit #DisabledAuthors #DisabledWriters #CripTime
#disability #disabled #disabilitylife #DisabilityJustice #validisme #FightAbleism #accessibilite #criplit #DisabledAuthors #disabledwriters #criptime
What I've learned being reliant on a caregiver | CNN
https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/22/opinions/caregiver-advocacy-legislation-wong-ctrp/index.html #Disability #DisabilityLife #Caregiving #Caregivers
#disability #disabilitylife #caregiving #caregivers
finished work for the day. Waiting for my support worker to assist with dinner and exersize.#disabilityLife #PWDAustralia
Rep. Sempolinski’s 21st Century Assistive Technology Act Signed Into Law | Finger Lakes Daily News
https://www.fingerlakesdailynews.com/2022/12/27/congress-sempolinski-bill-disabilities-defense/ #DisabilityLife #AssistiveTechnology
#disabilitylife #assistivetechnology
RT @BlokeOnWheels@twitter.com
The more I think about this, the more I'm considering writing a long form piece in the New Year. It won't be a thread, it'll be a proper essay in the same way about my #RightToLove one from earlier in the year was. #DisabilityLife #DisabilityRights https://twitter.com/BlokeOnWheels/status/1608146580124717063
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlokeOnWheels/status/1608166578755100672
#RightToLove #disabilitylife #disabilityrights
RT @BlokeOnWheels@twitter.com
Every day, I grow more and more relieved that in the face of a failing social care system, my lovely parents are able to look after me at home. At the same time, I grow increasingly worried because the day when they no longer can is drawing ever closer. #DisabilityLife #Care
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BlokeOnWheels/status/1608146580124717063
California jailed disabled man 9 years waiting for trial #DisabilityLife #Incarceration
#disabilitylife #incarceration
#accessible #paraplegic #rollstuhlfahrer #wheelchairusers #humor #barrierefreiheit #ms #basketballneverstops #wheelchairhumor #wheelchairfun #asistability #wheelchairuser #k #disabilities #paralifestyle #sport #wheelchairtravel #lifestyle #rollstuhlfahrerin #funtime #fun #paralife #rollstuhlsport #rolstoel #disabilityawareness #rollstuhlleben #disabilitylife #wheelchairs #spinalcordinjury #wheelchairmafia
#accessible #paraplegic #rollstuhlfahrer #wheelchairusers #humor #barrierefreiheit #ms #basketballneverstops #wheelchairhumor #wheelchairfun #asistability #wheelchairuser #k #disabilities #paralifestyle #sport #wheelchairtravel #lifestyle #Rollstuhlfahrerin #funtime #fun #paralife #rollstuhlsport #rolstoel #disabilityawareness #rollstuhlleben #disabilitylife #wheelchairs #spinalcordinjury #wheelchairmafia
How Visually Impaired Content Creators Do Their Makeup - POPSUGAR #DisabilityLife
TikTokers are sharing accessible gift wrapping guides. - Insider #DisabilityLife #Accessibility
#disabilitylife #accessibility
Oh btw for fellow spoonies in the U.S. - these pouch meals (and others like them) are fantastic for the days where you have no energy to prepare a meal and don't even want to get a pot/pan dirty. You microwave them in the pouch so you don't even need a bowl! These ones are all under $3, EBT-eligible, and available on Walmart's website if you need to avoid risking covid
#spoonie #spoonies #spoonielife #spoonietips #disability #disabilities #disabled #disabledlife #disabilitylife #chronicillness
#spoonie #spoonies #spoonielife #spoonietips #disability #disabilities #disabled #disabledlife #disabilitylife #chronicillness
a lot of that sweet sweet #disabilityLife is noticing the places where I can suffer suffering, vs the places where the gains from fixing the problem compound into something greater.
New Apple short film shows the everyday impact of accessible tech - Mashable #Accessibility #DisabilityLife #AccessibleTechnology
#accessibility #disabilitylife #accessibletechnology