If you are in northwestern #Vermont you can hear me read #poetry and talk about it with you, on Sunday at 11am at Kingsland Bay State Park, for Vermont Humanities' "Words in the Woods" series!
My first solo reading 😲 and first public appearance since Before Times.
Free; pre-reg requested. Masks required. Wheelchair accessible, rain-sheltered location and will be mic'd.
#SpeculativePoetry #TransPoetry #DisabilityPoetry
#vermont #poetry #speculativepoetry #transpoetry #disabilitypoetry
i had two poems published in JAKE the other day! check out this one + "bathroom stall as a red room or prayer closet" on their site
#poet #poetry #queerpoetry #queerpoet #disabilitypoetry #writingcommunity
#poet #poetry #queerpoetry #queerpoet #disabilitypoetry #writingcommunity