Harmful rules will hurt someone you love
#Puppy #Sundaycomics #SundayVibes #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #law #exception #rules #harmful #dangerous #family #hurt #ChangetheLaw #queer #DisabilityRights #SundayMotivation #vibecheck
#puppy #sundaycomics #sundayvibes #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #law #exception #rules #harmful #dangerous #family #hurt #changethelaw #queer #disabilityrights #sundaymotivation #vibecheck
J'ai pas les mots, là
C'est immonde.
Et ne vous inquiétez pas on va avoir la même chose bientôt, en France, à base de "il faut faire la chasse aux faux handicapés" "les contribuables en ont marre de payer pour les improductifs" "plein de handis peuvent faire du télétravail parce que la modernité"
Et bien sûr, aucun lien avec une pandémie en cours qui fait que de plus en plus de gens sont invalides. Aucun.
#DisabilityJustice #disabilityrights #longcovid
So the Biden administration after never rolling back the ability of hospitals to steal medical equipment from disabled people and give said equipment to others, mainly ventilators, pushing mask mandates without medical exemptions in public buildings, making the SSA website even more inaccessible, among more than a few other institutional discrimination additions, now wants to be cheered on for "strengthening disabled rights for healthcare", 🖕🖕. Maybe if these small changes had occurred 20 years ago & Biden hadn't changed how inflation was calculated, which is a big part of why SSI & SSDI are so low, & he didn't cut them directly, I'd give this a golf clap but as it is, I've nothing but contempt for him & his administration!#DisabilityRights
@roothflud @maggiemaybe Thanks Ruth for making that point, that is pretty much why the concept of #accessibility exists at all, and is (sometimes) enshrined in law. Unfortunately, governments will not take that step for #longcovid or any other vulnerable populations, until they have their backs to the wall. That's how the entire history of #disabilityrights happened I guess, so thanks to all past and future activists!
#accessibility #LongCovid #disabilityrights
it is not usual in Finland that the new government starts first thing to undermine decisions of the last government, or unanimously made decisions of the whole fucking parliament.
but so far the nazi-joke-government has overturned at least 2 climate laws and now the unanimously accepted disability service law that was supposed to become active just weeks from now is moved at least 2 years into the future.
current finnish disability law isnt up to UN requirements. #politicsFI #disabilityRights
rights of disabled people are not on the level that UN requirements in Finland.
this disability law would bring finnish law into line with UN.
this unified disability service law has been in the making for 20 years.
it was agreed upon UNANIMOUSLY last spring.
the new law would not require diagnoses as basis but the personal need and requirements.
this is the fucking situation where this nazi government is delaying the law and defunding social services. #politicsFI #finland #disabilityRights
#politicsfi #finland #disabilityrights
@OutOfExile_IDR_Voice @disability @disabilityjustice And it isn't as if disabled people are truly given the equivalent to a full time minimum wage job in SSI monthly money's either, even as in theory that's exactly what it's meant to replace, especially with it's ridiculously strict and numerous means tests, including marriage penalties. This problem compounds the minimum wage loophole, especially with how vocational rehabilitation services often prioritizes sheltered workshops as "best" for disabled people.
I don't have to accept being autistic has connotations.
You are 💯 wrong.
Aspie is not something that HAS CONNOTATIONS
I deny and repudiate any claim that ANYONE'S IDENTITY is mine to MAKE ASSUMPTIONS about.
I am REPULSED AND SICKENED that people DO fee! Entitled.
I don't need to accept the unacceptable!
#actuallyautistic #lgbtqrights #disabilityrights
#ActuallyAutistic #ableism #Queer
It just occurred to me WHY autistic community acts like NORMALS.
#actuallyautistic #ableism #queer #disabilityrights
Always at work! Never give up!!🐯💪
To support my work and blog link
#blog #disability #blogger #blogpost #disabilityrights
The kid across the street just set up a drum set in his *front yard* and started banging away. Even during the daytime, this has to be illegal!
This is the same house with the lady that spent an hour screaming the r-word at me with a mock speech impediment after the last confrontation I had with them about excessive noise.
When I asked the police a while back to do something about a new bar that moved in 3-4 blocks away and started filling my residential neighborhood with awful live music -- played outdoors -- they told me that it doesn't technically count as a nuisance unless multiple people complain. I was so angry I told the officer, with complete deadpan sarcasm, "Oh. Okay. I get it. I'm autistic, so I don't count," and then I hung up on him. Probably wasn't that guy's fault, but I was too upset to think about that at the time.
#actuallyautistic #disabilityrights #ableism
Ever since the pandemic started, I've seen more people read about #DisabilityRights and #ableism. A good thing! ✊
People are upset about what they're learning and I'm glad that they care. At the same time I've seen many responses over the years that are just so... naive?
The absolute scope of systemic ableism, the intent behind it, the horrific history of it all: it's a lot. Whenever I share my own stories, people regularly react with extreme surprise, or think that this is new since the pandemic. I appreciate people's worry and good intentions, but I wish it was more well-known that ableism has always been rampant. And it's not surprising at all, it's business as usual.
I keep wondering if I should put effort into writing down some of my experiences. Would it help raise awareness (mixed feelings about that term)? Would I be risking my anonymity? Would I feel too exposed and regret it later, sharing such painful private memories? How many clueless outrage comments would I have to deal with?
I am curious what others think about this. If you personally deal or have dealt with ableism, do you share your stories with people online? Does it feel worthwhile? If you don't personally encounter ableism, what is it that has opened your eyes to the severity of it the most? General activism, personal anecdotes, a loved one who deals with it, something else?
Wired differently: how neurodiversity adds new skillsets to the workplace #work #disabilityrights #employment
#work #disabilityrights #employment
Disabled Scots have to choose between 'eating and breathing', UN committee told.
A report has been produced to warn the United Nations of the “unrelenting attacks” disabled Scots face on their human rights.
#Scotland #HumanRights #Disability #DisabilityRights #CostOfLiving #Poverty
#poverty #costofliving #disabilityrights #disability #humanrights #scotland
Australia’s school system accused of failing neurodiverse kids #education #disabilityrights
It makes me so mad how many people were like "Free Britney Spears!" and now that she's free and posting sexy videos they're like "This was a mistake, we should apologise to her dad."
It shows how most of the movement was never about real liberation, just about making sure the 'right' people lose their self determination.
Talks about freeing specific people (especially celebrities) from guardianship MUST be centred in a Disability Justice and Abolition framework. Or it means nothing.
NO ONE deserves guardianship. It is an inherently abusive framework.
#DisabilityRights #DisabilityJustice #BrittanySpears #FreeBritney
#disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #brittanyspears #freebritney
I'm trying to find the Catholic Church's stance on eugenics and the promotion of eugenicist policy. I'm wondering how disabled Catholics are included in the life of the Church. Does anyone know where I can learn more about the Church and eugenics in general, and it's stance on marriage equality for disabled people specifically?
I also am wondering how the Church and disability might overlap with the philosophy and historic institution of limpieza de sangre, the Casta system, eugenics, and the Inherent Dignity of a Human Person. In my search for answers to my initial question I found these other possibly related threads. Do you know where I can find primary documents regarding these as well?
#Catholic #CatholicChurch #DisabilityRights #Eugenics #Colonization #Casta #LimpiezaDeSangre #DignityOfAHumanPerson #SocialTeaching #SocialGospel #WorksOfMercy
#catholic #catholicchurch #disabilityrights #eugenics #colonization #casta #limpiezadesangre #dignityofahumanperson #socialteaching #socialgospel #worksofmercy
Let's be clear about this: Accessibility is not a feature. Inaccessibility is a bug.
If your software or website is inaccessible, that renders it unusable to the end user. It is broken, in other words.
#accessibilitymatters #accessibilityisnotafeature #disabilityrights #accessibility #disability #softwaredevelopment #softwarebug #web #ux #uxdesign
I truly find it abhorrent that we think the solution to people needing care is warehousing people in nursing homes. No one dreams of growing old and ending up in a nursing home. No one deserves this. Governments can do better, they just don't.
For a lot of people it's their worst nightmare, and yet no alternative is given.
#disabilityrights #disabilityjustice
I am really, really, REALLY irritated by what I just saw. The #ImageDescription function of Microsoft's #Bing is outright lying to people with vision impairments about what appears in images it receives. It's bad enough when an #LLM is allowed to tell lies that a person can easily check for veracity themselves. But how the hell are you going to offer this so-called service to someone who can't check the claims being made and NEEDS those claims to be correct?
How long till someone gets poisoned because Bing lied and told someone it was food that hasn't expired when it has, or that it's safe to drink when it's cleaning solution, or God knows what? This is downright irresponsible and dangerous. #Microsoft either needs to put VERY CLEAR disclaimers on their service, or just take it down until it can actually be trusted.
#imagedescription #bing #llm #microsoft #blindness #visualimpairment #accessibility #accessibilitymatters #disability #disabilityrights #corporateresponsibility #largelanguagemodels #moralhazard