RT @talilalewis
The #pandemic has illustrated how purported "fitness" & location are used to assign value.
This year's edits name "health/wellness"+age; & replaces "nationality" with birth/living place.
#ableism #pandemic #COVID19 #disabilityjustice #disabilitysolidarity
RT @talilalewis
The #pandemic has illustrated how purported "fitness" & location are used to assign value.
This year's edits name "health/wellness"+age; & replaces "nationality" with birth/living place.
#ableism #pandemic #COVID19 #disabilityjustice #disabilitysolidarity
You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths, by Mia Mingus
"Pandemics, climate change, pollution and toxins have tilted the scales and upped the ante that disability is our collective future.... Individual safety by itself is a myth. There is no individual safety without collective safety and collective safety requires that no one is safe unless everyone is safe."
#covidisnotover #disabilitysolidarity #leftistsforprecautions
You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence
by Mia Mingus
#covidisnotover #disabilitysolidarity #leftistsforprecautions
You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence
by Mia Mingus
#covidisnotover #disabilitysolidarity #leftistsforprecautions
You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence
by Mia Mingus
#covidisnotover #disabilitysolidarity #leftistsforprecautions
"While it is easy to recognize the self-centeredness and individualism of the alt-right, white supremacist, neo-Nazi Freedom Convoy, we in the so-called left need to recognize that abandoning COVID-19 safety practices is the same act of settling into individual freedom that perpetuates abled supremacy."
#covidawarenessweek #disabilitysolidarity
Practicing Inclusion in the Time of COVID: A brief guide for gatherings and a call for disability solidarity
#LeftistsForPrecautions #CovidIsNotOver
#leftistsforprecautions #covidisnotover #disabilitysolidarity
"Unwelcome a teacher as may be, the pandemic offers lessons we ignore at our peril, personal and social. Dare we hope we are up for the learning?"
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency #Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #PublicHealth #SocialWork
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #publichealth #socialwork
@josh a decent piece on safe gatherings:
"Creating inclusive gatherings rooted in disability solidarity makes our movements and communities more powerful."
#Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #COVID #COVID19 #Pandemic
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #covid #covid19 #pandemic
@KrissyKat 9 times out of 10 disabled are left off of these kinds of lists. Yet they are the largest "minority" and are so intersectional that any minority or majority are likely to join if they live long enough.
"First they came for the socialists . . . "
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity
"The end of the state’s formal public health emergency does not mean that the pandemic itself is over, no longer a problem, not making New Mexicans sick, hospitalizing them, making them miss school or work, or killing them."
#Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #COVID #COVID19 #Pandemic #PublicHealth @PeoplesCDC
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #covid #covid19 #pandemic #publichealth
Practicing Inclusion in the Time of COVID: A brief guide for gatherings and call for disability solidarity.
en Español https://www.strategiesforhighimpact.org/practicas-inclusivas-en-los-tiempos-del-covid
#Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #Inclusion #Accessibility #Health #Safety #COVID #COVID19 #LongCOVID #Pandemic
@socialwork @engagedbuddhism @publichealth
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #inclusion #accessibility #health #safety #covid #covid19 #LongCovid #pandemic
"Practicing inclusion during COVID-19 means acknowledging the health and safety needs of all people, then taking steps to communicate and provide safe(r) and more accessible options for gathering."
#Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #Inclusion #Accessibility #Health #Safety #COVID #COVID19 #LongCOVID #Pandemic @socialwork @engagedbuddhism @publichealth
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #inclusion #accessibility #health #safety #covid #covid19 #LongCovid #pandemic
"Creating inclusive gatherings rooted in disability solidarity makes our movements and communities more powerful."
#Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #COVID @COVID19 @Pandemic @PeoplesCDC
#disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #covid
Changement climatique, activisme environnemental et #handicap.
Les personnes handicapées sont en première ligne face à la crise climatique. Les efforts pour faire face à la crise doivent les inclure. #DisabilitySolidarity #ClimateJustice
#handicap #disabilitysolidarity #climatejustice
Notre travail de justice pour les personnes handicapées est incomplet si nous ne nous engageons pas dans une justice transformatrice et réparatrice au sein de notre organisation et dans nos communautés. @awnnetwork_ #DisabilitySolidarity #accountability https://awnnetwork.org/guiding-principles-incorporating-transformative-restorative-justice-into-our-work/
#disabilitysolidarity #accountability
A text to (re)read and other fascinating, and the rich and fascinating reflections on the blogs of @miamingus: "You have no right to our death: COVID, disability supremacy and interdependence". #DisabilitySolidarity #CovidIsNotOver
#disabilitysolidarity #CovidIsNotOver
RT @talilalewis@twitter.com
.@DWS_EndViolence@twitter.com created a trove of easy-to-understand resources on "Unlearning Ableism".
[ID: "unlearning ableism" framed in white over aurora borealis night]
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/talilalewis/status/1598736054261092361
#ableism #disablism #disableism #disabilityjustice #disabilitysolidarity #16daysofactivism