I think maybe I've finally found a way to sit in my wheelchair all day without my right leg feeling like it's about to explode into flames by the end of the day. Fingers crossed.
#Strokesurvivor #disabilitysucks #sapphicauthor
That isn't bitching. It does suck, I hear you! I've been disabled for decades and yes, it sucks so much!
Especially, like you, with things that are incurable. But it's good when we can find solutions for ourselves to make our lives as good as possible, even though they aren't like the average life.
But omg, I agree, #disabilitysucks !
I have been diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease, which, Im told is incurable, basically my joints are knackered. Yep, that sucks!
Light exercise and lots of painkillers, which also sucks.
Being of reduced mobility, yep, that sucks as well😩
I feel better for bitching about that