BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
568 followers · 41247 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
435 followers · 3000 posts · Server aus.social

Preventing carer burnout is a global health priority - and there's a simple approach that you can use at home. Join me for an online masterclass in micro compassionate communities for those at end of life, disability support and home-based rehabilitation.

Join the growing community of people benefitting from the Mallon Model approach, it's easier than you think.

ID: the Mallon Model Venn diagram and text "My Mallon Model article has been downloaded over 3, 800 times!! This model helps avoid burnout for disability, rehabilitation, home support, and end of life carers. (You can learn more in a masterclass) gdep.com.au"

#mallonmodel #masterclass #event #comcom #learning #carerburnout #network #disability #endoflife #eold #eoldoula #disabilitysupport #askannetta

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 84 posts · Server aus.social

Original toot date: 30 April, 2023

This is all I need today!
When I noticed that there was no online attendance option for Chloé Hayden's tour, I reached out. Chloe's Mum (Sarah), was kind enough to look into this for me.
Although it was not achievable this time, Sarah advised that they will now be offering online attendance as an option for events going forward.

I love it when event organisers; who had overlooked live-streams as a mechanism to inclusion, act on feedback and commit to removing such barriers to participation. Even better when they actively acknowledge your contribution and encourage you to continue the fight for better disability inclusion.

Will you now make the same commitment?

#wearebrimbank #disabilityinclusion #autisminclusion #coviding #disabilityrights #disabilityawareness #disabilitysupport #disabilityadvocate #disability #neurodiversity #neurodiversityacceptance #neurodiversityawareness #neurodiverse #asd #asdawareness #chloehayden #differentnotless

Last updated 1 year ago

Good Sammy Enterprises is one of Western Australia’s most iconic and recognisable for-purpose organisations, and a proud agency of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Since 1958, Good Sammy’s mission has been to create employment opportunities for people with disability. Today, more than half of Good Sammy’s workforce, of approximately 600 employees, are people with disability.

Through its range of structured training and development programs and employment choices for people with disability, Good Sammy delivers on its mission through its operations and services in:

• Retail
• Warehousing
• Maintenance
• Gardening
• Logistics
• eCommerce
• Recycling
• Hospitality

Good Sammy also partners and collaborates with other organisations, businesses and government to create even more employment opportunities.

They believe that together, we can create a better future for people with disability, and that inclusive workplaces are the foundation for an inclusive society.

To learn more about Good Sammy, visit goodsammy.com.au. You can also browse their Good Sammy Online Store (shop.goodsammy.com.au) where you will find an eclectic range of unique, rare and fun fashion creatively curated for thrifty treasure hunters.

#disabilitysupport #whatability #leadership #disabilityemployment #inclusion #workforce

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
397 followers · 2699 posts · Server aus.social

Carer burnout is a worldwide problem - from end of life to disability and long-term rehabilitation support, carers and networks can struggle.

The Mallon Model can solve carer and support system problems, and help streamline end of life doula services. Read the free article and book a masterclass if you want to learn more. journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.11

#gdep #askannetta #mallonmodel #eold #endoflifedoula #disability #disabilitysupport #carerburnout #healthcareworker

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Activist · @smeilakajp
30 followers · 160 posts · Server aus.social

This is all I need today!
When I noticed that there was no online attendance option for Chloé Hayden's tour, I reached out. Chloe's Mum (Sarah), was kind enough to look into this for me.
Although it was not achievable this time, Sarah advised that they will now be offering online attendance as an option for events going forward.

I love it when event organisers; who had overlooked live-streams as a mechanism to inclusion, act on feedback and commit to removing such barriers to participation. Even better when they actively acknowledge your contribution and encourage you to continue the fight for better disability inclusion.

Will you now make the same commitment?

#wearebrimbank #disabilityinclusion #autisminclusion #coviding #disabilityrights #disabilityawareness #disabilitysupport #disabilityadvocate #disability #neurodiversity #neurodiversityacceptance #neurodiversityawareness #neurodiverse #asd #asdawareness #chloehayden #differentnotless

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
378 followers · 2588 posts · Server aus.social

Wow, the pace keeps increasing on Mallon Model downloads, now at over 3,300. 😍

You're welcome to join in the micro compassionate community movement and read the free article here: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.11

Avoid carer burnout, support end of life and best quality ongoing care at home in an easy, straightforward way. Online masterclasses for international time zones are available, email info@gdep.com.au for details.

#gdep #mallonmodel #askannetta #comcom #endoflife #homebaseddying #carer #caring #support #network #masterclass #research #academia #academicchatter #originalresearch #compassionatecommunity #eold #DeathDoula #deathpositive #disabilitysupport #care #endcarerburnout

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Stephanie Zihms · @StephZihms
293 followers · 271 posts · Server sotl.social

The assessment went really well and they’re even going to recommend an coach without an official diagnosis but based on my experience. I’m also getting some equipment and software (including training). Why can’t all be so straight forward

#disabilitysupport #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

sensible gremlin tux · @tux_kate
104 followers · 620 posts · Server wandering.shop

Hello, friends! I’ve been a bit quiet recently, but I have an ask: can you boost this post?

Evan is a dear friend, stubborn and resilient as shit, and someone I’ve known by now for more than half our lives. If she’s asking for help? Well. It’s bad.

If you don’t have money to spare, can you boost? It would mean a lot to me.


#crowdfund #retoot #signalboost #disability #disabled #disabilitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Meilak · @smeilakajp
3 followers · 4 posts · Server aus.social
Matt Cramp · @merus
26 followers · 6 posts · Server aus.social

I've had this account for a while (and my old account for several years, unused) but it's *high* time I do an - I'm Matt, going by Merus. I live in , day job is a web developer ( ) at Mable, a matching service for people who need and (and while I'm not exactly thrilled about privatisation, everyone at work seems to be excited about delivering care people need, and well, and honestly we'd have to work hard to be worse than the status quo?)

Personal stuff:

I try to read widely, fiction and non-fiction, although I don't read nearly as much out of genre as I'd like. Recently read the biography, which was very good. Have learned enough to cut myself about sustainability, energy, new urbanism, high-control groups and the history of forensic pathology. I promise I am fun at parties.

I'm particularly fascinated by games and how systems influence how people respond ( ). Some favourite and current games:

Some weird facts:
* I was once close enough to a news story that I could ask the reporter preparing for a live segment for personal updates
* My mum once uncovered an honest-to-god government conspiracy
* For the past 20 years or so, I've curiously investigated topics that ended up becoming alarmingly relevant to everyone else 5 years later

#introduction #sydney #ruby #rubyonrails #agedcare #disabilitysupport #terrypratchett #boardgames #ttrpg #gaming #hollowknight #ffxiv #persona #hades #metroid

Last updated 2 years ago

KitCen Greens · @KitCenGreens
67 followers · 91 posts · Server canada.masto.host

A third incredibly important amendment that proposed and was passed is that the process to apply and to receive the benefit be as barrier free as possible. No massive hoops that people who are already suffering need to go through.

Twitter thread on all the amendments twitter.com/InclusionCA/status

#morrice #cdnpoli #cdb #disability #disabilitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Burrow · @Burrow
20 followers · 11 posts · Server disabled.social
Valentina KD Bell · @teffie
73 followers · 2079 posts · Server mastodon.lol
Tania Bishop · @TaniaBishop
63 followers · 196 posts · Server aus.social

@Alyzande mastodon people suggest writing an introduction post with lots of hashtags about the things you are interested. Such as

#disability #disabilitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago

Phoebe Wright · @phoebewright
75 followers · 94 posts · Server aus.social

Hi, I created an account @mastodon.social@phoebewright in 2018 and things have been very quiet until recently! So I migrated here. It seems nice here.

I work in disability support. Studying developmental education at Flinders University. I'm passionate about accessibility and Easy English, inclusive education, human rights.

I also may post occasional photographs of flora, fungi and insects from my home in lutruwita /Tasmania. I always have a creative project underway, from carpentry and Permaculture gardening to painting.

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
(edited for screen reader clarity)

#disability #developmentaleducation #accessibility #easyenglish #inclusiveEducation #humanrights #flora #fungi #insects #lutruwita #tasmania #carpentry #permaculture #gardening #painting #introduction #disabilitysupport

Last updated 2 years ago