I want a really good #camera for the first time in years (my last one was a 35 mm olympus with a couple of good lenses 30 years ago), and borrowed a couple to mess with them and see what I want in a modern high quality digital camera and lens set. It turns out that one of the things I need, beyond mere Canon vs Olympus, is something friendly to folks with hand disabilities.
I have issues with strength and dexterity that I need to prioritize over lens quality, and maybe price.
#camera #disabilitytax #rheumatoiddisease
I walked to the corner (and back). I think that's about 100 metres. My capacity is definitely down. Also it's bloody cold out there.
Less capacity is at least in part because I'm nursing a mild stomach bug. It's been gurgling around for well over a week now.
In other news, I've just been assertive at (and about) a shoddy service provider. The one that charged about $300 for window washing that took an hour and only included the easy outside windows.
#DisabilityTax #AgedCareTax
They are very clearly not used to feedback. Which is probably why they target the care industry.
Fuck this.
Fuck that.
Fuck them.
Fuck you.
Fuck it all.
Fuck off.
#Bedroomtax #Disabilitytax #20%Vat but no #TaxTheRich
#bedroomtax #disabilitytax #taxtherich
@n3wjack @misty It's worse than annoying. It makes the site unusable for people with certain disabilities. (Sensory processing disorder is one.) This is a #DisabilityTax.
@misty It's just another #DisabilityTax. Heaven forbid you have sensory processing disorder and need the page to be motion-free to read it.
Another example for what I might call a disability tax (regarding money and also energy):
On Friday, I made an appointment (online) at a dermatologist for my son, for May 3rd. In all honesty, I chose "skin cancer screening" as the reason. Afterwards, the site informed me that these screenings are only paid by public health insurances starting age 20 (and sometimes age 16). There was no place to explain why I chose this option.
This morning, I had an email saying that the appointment had been canceled. So I called the doctor's office (the person I spoke to was not the one who had canceled, so I explained the situation) and got a new appointment - on June 27th, because all earlier appointments are gone now.
Then, I explained why I want skin cancer screening for a 5-year-old, and I said that we'll pay for it directly and then will try to get back the money from the insurance. (over 20 % chance of skin cancer within the next 30 years are a pretty good reason for a screening, I think)
So then I didn't need to discuss anymore - but what would I do if I couldn't afford it? I know that (in similar cases) some doctors know well how they need to phrase something towards the insurances so that it's within the limits of what public health insurances in Germany have to cover, but it's not always easy to find someone like that.
So I bought a better designed white cane, a sunu band for orientation and obstacle detection, new bone conducting headset to get the vOICe signal and a rivo keyboard for the phone.
Spent over a thousand. Most of this stuff isn't even reimbursed in WMO (Dutch system) or it takes months for the Gemeente to come to a decision to reimburse. And even then, the tech is never yours. So I'm fully aware of my huge privilege in earning comfortably so I can afford this (just). But I'm dismayed at the cost, although I can see where it's coming from. These are not mainstream devices. Especially the www.whitecane.com IO cane.. It's so ergonomic and well designed, and the tips are so excellent. However, over 500 euro. That was the biggest expense.
I'm em*bracing* my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (and being disabled in general) by ordering about $500 worth of braces, wraps, supports, pillows, and supportive devices. Android mode *engage*!
#DisabilityTax #HealthCare #Chronic #hEDS
#disabilitytax #healthcare #chronic #heds
Linsenbolognese köchelt im Ofen, Nudeln versuch ich gleich inner Mikrowelle gar zu kriegen.
#executivedysfunction ist teuer, ich kämpf dann besonders mit Beurteilung dessen wie schwer Dinge sind. Mir ist deswegen was aufs Kochfeld gefallen, das zersplittert ist. Gerade ist es nicht drin n neues zu kaufen.
Versuche jetzt das ganz nüchtern einfach als #Disabilitytax zu verstehen. Uff, das bedeutet dann halt statt auf mich zu frusten, lieb zu mir zu sein. Ergo: Bollo ❤️
#executivedysfunction #disabilitytax
I've been at work an hour and a half and all I've done is deal with insurance paperwork and work on getting the accommodations that will let me stay here implemented.