I was so tired Thursday I forgot #ThreeGoodThings
1. Excellent day speaking to Diocesan staff about #DisabilityTheology
2. Uber boats.
3. Pasta.
#disabilitytheology #ThreeGoodThings
1. A really great conversation about #DisabilityTheology with @naomilawsonjacobs and Zoe Heming for St Paul's Cathedral.
2. BBQ ribs for dinner.
3. Being reminded that I am fearfully & wonderfully made.
#ThreeGoodThings #disabilitytheology
An #introduction to me -
I love God and do my best to love all people well. If you're a woman in #theology, we should be friends, especially if you also have sub-interests in #disabilitytheology, #feminism, #feministtheology, #womanistheology and also believe that God calls people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. #OpenAndAffirming #protestant
I have ADHD and MDD and *really* want to study the intersection of #faith, #trauma, and #mentalhealth. Maybe someday...
#mentalhealth #trauma #faith #protestant #openandaffirming #womanistheology #feministtheology #feminism #disabilitytheology #theology #Introduction
#Disabled #Gimp #Neurodivergent #Neurodivergance #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic #ADHD #Diabetes #Arthritis #ArthritisSucks #ND4ND #Cripodon #DisabilityTheology #Criplepunk #DisabilityJustice #SafeSpace #Witch #Polytheism #Panentheism #Animism #ReligiousMysteries #OralTraditions #Intiation #Metaphysics #Feri #Faery #CunningfFolk #Crossroads #Herbalism #Tarot #Folklore #TradWitch #Oathbound
#introduction #followfriday #disabled #gimp #neurodivergent #neurodivergance #autistic #actuallyautistic #adhd #diabetes #arthritis #arthritissucks #nd4nd #cripodon #disabilitytheology #criplepunk #disabilityjustice #safespace #witch #polytheism #panentheism #animism #religiousmysteries #oraltraditions #intiation #metaphysics #feri #faery #cunningffolk #crossroads #herbalism #tarot #folklore #tradwitch #oathbound
Seeing that others are posting Intros, so: I'm a post-twitter newbie who loves #PurdueSports. I am a #DisciplesOfChrist minister but I have infiltrated #WAT via #Earth&Altar. I am heavily vested in #DisabilityTheology and help run the Institute on #FaithAndDisability. I did my PhD in Ethics at the #UniversityOfAberdeen and now I help pastor a #DoC church in #ColumbiaMO. Send memes.
#weirdanglicantwitter #purdue #vanderbilt #ccdoc #radicalorthodoxy #henrilefebvre #runner #youthministry
#YouthMinistry #runner #henrilefebvre #radicalorthodoxy #ccdoc #vanderbilt #purdue #weirdanglicantwitter #columbiamo #doc #UniversityofAberdeen #faithanddisability #disabilitytheology #earth #wat #disciplesofchrist #purduesports