(1/2) New #introduction for new instance! Bumbling around starting to get things figured out here.
My scholarly interests are in #CriticalTheory, #IndigenousTheory, #DecolonialTheory, #BlackFeminism, #HipHop, #QueerTheory, #DisabilityTheory, #GenderTheory, #RaceTheory
Mostly a #homemaker, though, help care for my nephew & nieces & my aunt. Also a #photographer (if it's people, I take pictures of them), and while I love #Portrait, I tend to do a lot of #conference & #events & #protests & such.
#introduction #criticaltheory #indigenoustheory #decolonialtheory #blackfeminism #hiphop #queertheory #disabilitytheory #gendertheory #racetheory #homemaker #photographer #portrait #conference #events #protests
An #introduction of sorts? But really a list of relatively unvetted hashtags that I feel like describe me but that may or may not be in actual use here. We'll see!
#literarytrod #introduction #fantasy #scifi #specfic #sff #humanphotos #photographer #geek #nerd #humanist #atheist #lgbtqia #LGBTQ #disabilitytheory #gendertheory #queertheory #racetheory #indigenoustheory #criticaltheory #USWNT #wsl #nwsl #woso
* Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CXV-tTb5oH7x8JCVZ54avofzVgyMPpy5T63Haq0ND0A/edit?usp=sharing
Feel free to share/add yourself to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRANUuut4hJbnNGLyZQG5uiQVgrZg18ti2yAW-39zxCmhnSA/viewform?usp=sf_link
#cripodon #criptheory #disabled #disabilitytheory
Hi! It's time I did an #Introduction!
I'm Jess Walton. I'm a #fat, white, #queer, #nonbinary / #agender, #disabled #writer & parent living on #BoonWurrungLand.
I would love to find other writers here, and queer, fat and disabled community.
My most recent book is a graphic novel called #StarsInTheirEyes (Published in Australia by Fremantle Press in 2021, coming out in the US with Scholastic in 2023).
My picture book #IntroducingTeddy was published by Bloomsbury in 2016.
I've also started branching out into TV writing (I cowrote the disability episode of #GetKrackin season 2) and #poetry.
I'm an #amputee with #ChronicPain, #depression and #anxiety so when I'm not writing I'm usually trying to decompress / distract myself with reading, TV and film.
I read picture books, MG and YA, and #GraphicNovels for any age group! I also read #DisabilityTheory, nonfiction, memoirs, and poetry.
The TV shows I'm OBSESSED with are #OurFlagMeansDeath, #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower, #StevenUniverse, #Heartstopper, #DeadEnd, and #KipoAndTheAgeOfWonderbeasts
Other favourite shows are #Cleverman, #DoctorWho (the newer ones), #DerryGirls, #Centaurworld, #HeartbreakHigh (the reboot), #StrangerThings, #Utopia, #KikiAndKitty, #Hilda, #TheKateringShow, #TwelveForever & #InfinityTrain.
My favourite movies are #Ponyo, #MyNeighbourTotoro, #CripCamp (documentary), #DarkCity, and #TheBabadook.
I play #HeroesOfMightAndMagic2, #Diablo2, and #Simcity. I sing and play ukulele. That's it! That's Me!
#introduction #fat #queer #nonbinary #disabled #starsintheireyes #introducingteddy #poetry #amputee #chronicpain #depression #anxiety #graphicnovels #disabilitytheory #OurFlagMeansDeath #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #Heartstopper #deadend #kipoandtheageofwonderbeasts #cleverman #doctorwho #derrygirls #Centaurworld #heartbreakhigh #strangerthings #utopia #kikiandkitty #hilda #thekateringshow #twelveforever #ponyo #MyNeighbourTotoro #CripCamp #DarkCity #thebabadook #heroesofmightandmagic2 #diablo2 #simcity #infinitytrain #getkrackin #agender #writer #boonwurrungland