Ok I am trying to see If there is a centralised #disability #ambassador scheme recognising those in the workplace who are advocates/allies post training and sign up. Except there doesn't seem to be one. Have I missed one that you know of? #disabilityambassador #disabilityuk #disabled #employee #InclusionatWork
#disability #ambassador #disabilityambassador #disabilityuk #disabled #employee #inclusionatwork
The Government have formally abandoned plans to abolish the Human Rights Act and intend to remain 'in adherence to the European Convention on Human Rights'. Pretty big news to slip out in an arranged oral PQ! #ECHR #HumanRights #DisabilityUK https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-06-27/debates/FE807865-51C0-4E01-AE13-42E219714C99/TopicalQuestions#contribution-FB5FC112-9572-4AB5-843B-D1061BC45DDC
#echr #humanrights #disabilityuk
RT @yen_godden@twitter.com
Need help: Anyone know of a good UK #Disability #PatientAdvocacy group/org? I need someone assigned to me/case worker as I donโt have the energy to explain everything to a new person each time I contact. #DisabilityTwitter #DisabilityUK #PatientAdvocateUK
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/yen_godden/status/1614543955907203073
#disability #patientadvocacy #disabilitytwitter #disabilityuk #patientadvocateuk
[#duchenne #muscularDystrophy ]
[i see this every day. people who love people with #DMD do not understand it. people who care for people with #DMD do not understand it. and worst, people who have #DMD are denied chances to understand it because there is no guaranteed proactive sharing of knowledge ]
[the impact on peoples quality of life Can Not be overstated ]
#disability #disabilityUK
#duchenne #musculardystrophy #dmd #disability #disabilityuk