I liked Bend, Oregon quite a bit!! #PNWonderland #DisabledHikers #Aspens
#pnwonderland #disabledhikers #aspens
Hi! I'm still looking for resources on hiking while disabled - maps, accessibility guides/rubrics - etc to help others find places they can go. I welcome a boost and any/all recommendations. I'm in California, but am looking for replicable models, templates, etc. Thanks!
#disabled #disabledhikers #hiking #trails #accessibility
#Hiking in #EastSooke through flooded out trails. Great views of #SookeBasin ✌🌲🥾
#Tsouke #Sooke #YYJhikes #GetOutside #PhotosFromMyHikes #Nature #scenery #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #DayHikes #BritishColumbia #Canada #scenery #GreatOutdoors #NatureAppreciation #HikesInTheRain #DisabledHikers
#hiking #eastsooke #sookebasin #tsouke #sooke #yyjhikes #getoutside #photosfrommyhikes #nature #scenery #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #dayhikes #britishcolumbia #canada #greatoutdoors #natureappreciation #hikesintherain #disabledhikers
Hi - are there any disabled hikers in my network here? I'm newly disabled (by Long Covid). Limited energy, using an electric wheelchair. But I miss hiking and am very inspired by the work of Disabled Hikers in the Seattle area. I'm hoping to volunteer with trail groups in SF Bay Area to map accessibility. Would love to be in contact with others who've done this, who hike in a chair, who love trails, etc etc.
#disabledhikers #wheelchair #hiking #trails