Kit Muse · @KitMuse
272 followers · 504 posts · Server

Final syllabus for the fall semester is in. I'm so glad I've made the decision to drop the second major (Psych) to a minor and graduate this fall with a BS in Religious Studies and a minor in Psych. I have 1 class to finish the Psych degree and will do that with another class part time this spring.

Looking at the class load there's no way I could do Experimental Psych PLUS the other courses since I've been in burnout for the past 3 years.

#autistic #actuallyautistic #disabledinhighered

Last updated 1 year ago

Kit Muse · @KitMuse
260 followers · 430 posts · Server

Instructor removed lockdown browser for the second test. Said scores went up. So what'd he do for this test? Returned to lockdown browser.

in college.

Instructor is board certified in ABA, so this makes since.

(and probably stem) @disability

#ableism #abaisviolence #nontraditionalstudent #disabled #disabledinhighered #disabledinhumanities

Last updated 1 year ago

Carla Finesilver · @finesilver
14 followers · 16 posts · Server
HannahCrazyhawk · @HannahCrazyhawk
128 followers · 159 posts · Server
HannahCrazyhawk · @HannahCrazyhawk
81 followers · 83 posts · Server

"You have never been nor shall be a burden." 🌻

This is a message to everyone. As a chronically ill and disabled person, I feel like a perpetual burden. It's a heavy weight. The amount of ableism and endless cruelty the world hurls at us needs to stop. I have to tell myself this every day, even when I don't believe it.

#chronicallyill #disability #notetoself #sunflower #disabledinstem #disabledinhighered #ableism #artwork #kindness #hidradenitissuppurativa

Last updated 2 years ago

theADHDacademic · @theADHDAcademic
294 followers · 70 posts · Server

Attendance policies were always ableist. They were ableist during the pandemic, and they're ableist now.

If students don't attend your class, ask yourself why. Why aren't they interested? Why isn't my class valuable? What barriers are preventing them from attending? How do I adapt to meet students where they're at? How can I create multiple spaces for participation and engagement?

#accessibility #disability #disabledinhighered #udl #academicableism

Last updated 2 years ago

Ava (^~^) · @ava_nicole23
212 followers · 110 posts · Server

In 2020, I cofounded the organization Disabled in Higher Education that hopes to improve the inclusion of disabled people across higher education.


Last updated 2 years ago

theADHDacademic · @theADHDAcademic
267 followers · 60 posts · Server

For all of the academics on here who are learning about and adding image descriptions, please take that inclusive energy with you the next time a student gives you their accommodation letter from the disability office or when you're considering your attendance policy.

Even better, consider reading up about or .

#disabilityaccommodations #academicableism #disability #disabledinhighered #academia #highered #udl #universaldesignforlearning #accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Ava (^~^) · @ava_nicole23
436 followers · 358 posts · Server

In 2020, I cofounded the organization Disabled in Higher Education that hopes to improve the inclusion of disabled people across higher education.


Last updated 2 years ago