Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
285 followers · 1057 posts · Server

The interpersonal dynamics of getting one of those "always glad to help, call me anytime" friends to actually show up and help with a task at a specific time has once again proven almost more than this disabled autistic queerdo can handle. The TL;DR: task got done, but not before a text, 2 phone calls, and an almost-meltdown. 😬

#disabled #disabledqueer #actuallyautistic

Last updated 1 year ago

Neuro Pride Ireland · @NeuroPrideIreland
150 followers · 41 posts · Server

Here is the speech we gave at Pride of the Déise highlighting the need for the LGBTQAI+ community to ensure they aim for accessibility and the inclusion of disabled members.

#NeuroPride #neuroqueer #disabledqueer #neurodivergent #pride

Last updated 1 year ago

Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
218 followers · 628 posts · Server

The struggle to get stuff done today continues, as my bod demonstrates it's not just feeling sluggish but actively cranky. Grudging thanks to the bod for reminding me once again this is Not All In My Head ... though I'm also clear that some existential dread blues are weighing on me today too.

#chronicpain #spoonie #spoonielife #queerspoonie #trans #transmasc #genderqueer #disabledqueer

Last updated 1 year ago

Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
192 followers · 294 posts · Server

I've dabbled in drag and have long wanted to do more, and even figure out mobility workarounds, but time, energy, and COVID intervened - plus no concept was turning me on enough to surmount those obstacles. But now the idea of embodying that force of nature Ian Dury is really lighting my fire. Plus: current events make me want to attempt some more visible defiance of the transphobes.

#dragking #drag #trans #transmasc #iandury #genderqueer #disabledqueer

Last updated 2 years ago

Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
192 followers · 292 posts · Server

I'm suddenly on a bit of a major Ian Dury trip, which has been very entertaining to say the least... but then this morning my brain was all suddenly telling me: "dude, here's the drag king role you've been looking for, you gimpy punk geezer you!" ... and now I can't stop giggling and planning outfits. I dunno if I'll ever take to a stage with this but damn is this idea giving me life right now 💗💗💗

#iandury #dragking #transmasc #genderqueer #disabledqueer #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
191 followers · 281 posts · Server

LOL as I keep glancing at/using my new pair of canes in different levels/types of light, I keep seeing their color as different shades, varying from periwinkle blue to a more purple-y lavender. Trust my brain to unerringly go for the genderfluid mobility aids - I love it! :heart_transgender:

#genderfluid #genderqueer #disabledqueer #queerspoonie #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

queer_wave · @queer_wave
0 followers · 3 posts · Server

“The Real Trash is Ableism”.
An angry possum pops out of a silver trash can filled with garbage to say: “The real trash is Ableism. Happy disability pride month.”

#disabledqueer #transart #disabled #disabledartist #disabledcommunity #queercommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

PetitPas · @PetitPas
199 followers · 587 posts · Server

"On me dit que je ne devrais pas être dans le handi sport parce que mon handicap n'était pas visible, du coup je n'explique plus ce que j'ai sur les réseaux"
"On m'a dit, mais Marie, pourquoi t'as besoin de dire que t'es gay ?"

Marie Patouillet parle des difficultés d'être athlète de paracyclisme, et ça fait du bien d'entendre un témoignage pas en mode leçon de vie inspirante

#conseilpodcast #handicap #disabledqueer

Last updated 2 years ago

Lena with the Very Good Toots · @sheeep
54 followers · 60 posts · Server

One of my most upsetting / symptoms has returned this week after a few tears hiatus: unexplained acute abdominal pain triggered by any force running through my abdomen or change in pressure there (eg, standing up, walking, pooping, sexual arousal, any type of cardio, bending/crouching, lifting anything over about 5kg, etc.) Which as you can imagine is quite disabling. Thus far it's relatively mild (peaks of about 7/10 pain as opposed to the 9/10 pain it can be) and fades within 10 minutes of sitting still comfortably or laying down.

- I suspect this symptom is from endometriosis and PCOS related, though possibly influenced/exacerbated by hEDS - I've had PCOS confirmed by an ultrasound tech, but still seeking dx since the GP I saw at the time refused to label it beyond 'painful periods' and still investigating for hypermobility condition and pelvic inflammatory condition after 15 years of begging drs for answers - finally have a supportive pain specialist and a new GP as of two weeks ago! Doing an overview of each of my suspected conditions with a diagnosis/treatment plan for each next week which is the most hope I've ever had about the process. -

Anyway, its the first time this symptom has arisen since I accepted that I have PTSD, and it's confronting to realise that the sensation of this specific type of pain is actually a trigger. It triggers stuff around the gaslighting/medical sexism/neglect I went through when it first started in puberty, as well as the abuse I suffered in connection with the symptoms due to school sports, but also dysphoria.

I've had to miss out on work this week, and stop going to the gym, both things I've recently started that feel like triumphs as they show how hard I've tried to increase my capacity and improve my life and health and wellbeing. I feel completely betrayed by my body, and like it's not possible for me to make real progress in my life because something will always get worse. I'm so exhausted. I want these horribly defective, painful organs that poison me with hormones that make me anxious and emotional to finally be removed and incinerated once and for all. And I am very nervous about what it'll cost to get that done. I can't help but wonder whether somehow this highly distressing symptom has come back now if all times so that I re-prioritise the various conditions with my new doctor to potentially fast track the gynocological and hormonal care I will need to eventually get the surgery I want for gender reasons as well as disabling chronic illness reasons??

#chronicillness #chronicpain #hypermobility #dysphoria #neisvoid #pcos #disabledresillience #disabledqueer

Last updated 2 years ago

Rachel Handley · @_RachelHandley
1625 followers · 534 posts · Server
Lena with the Very Good Toots · @sheeep
54 followers · 60 posts · Server
Summer loves masks · @summerfallwinter
48 followers · 76 posts · Server

A searchable post!

I have degrees in , , & work in . Ich spreche ein bisschen . I used to be conversational in . I'm and a new learner.

I'm a and have . I always add to images and try not to boost others without it.

and I still wear my n95 everywhere. I love my cat, try to read and more. I know and .

#introduction #physics #biophysics #semiconductors #deutsch #asl #Mohawk #Kanyenkeha #disabledqueer #actuallyautistic #eds #alttext #MasksWork #knit #TransRightsAreHumanRights #blm

Last updated 2 years ago

hey i'm an almost 32 year old queer agender autistic (selfdx) that also has adhd (official dx) and struggles with chronic pain for over 10 years now, dynamically disabled.

i've migration background, am traumatized and struggle with anxiety, too.

i call myself a spoonie because i have to micromanage my energy due to chronic illness + neurodivergency.

i'd like to meet other autistics here on, i'd love to connect, feel free to follow and i might follow back :)

#actuallyautistic #introduction #audhd #autisticadult #asdandadhd #spoonielife #disabledqueer #invisibledisabilities

Last updated 2 years ago

it's 0:35 am and i'm here asking where i find any other chronically ill, disabled, neurodivergent, adhd, autistic queer people on this platform?? where are u?

reach out i feel alone over here!! :)

#disabled #autisticadult #AutismSpectrum #asdandadhd #adhd #audhd #autistic #chronicallyill #invisibledisabilities #disabledqueer #agender #genderqueer #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago