@Aaidanbird @disability @DisabilityJustice Thanks for hosting this thread, and congrats on the writing 😊
Are we supposed to keep all the users in the replies (eg, "reply all") or just use hashtags?
My sister came to visit last week, first time since 2019, so that was a highlight for me. And I managed to pace myself pretty well, scheduled rest times while she was here, so only a small crash from doing too much.
#disabledsocialhour #DisabledSocial
@Aaidanbird @disability @DisabilityJustice I might have sorted out a prescription issue after a month of struggle.
And we're having such a good year for berries we have a surplus in the fridge for the first time in 8 years.
#DisabledSocialHour #DisabledSocial
#disabledsocialhour #DisabledSocial
Hello to our new users!
How are you this week?
What are a few good things that happened this week that you'd like to share?
For me, I wrote six thousand words over the course of the week, which was pretty big progress on my story.
Please feel free to retoot this and share your thoughts and stories! :)
I will continue to try to host this Social Thread at least a few times a month!
#disabledsocialhour #NEISvoid #DisabledSocial #disability
So folks on #DisabledSocial, how are you all doing?
Any news you wanna share?
I feel like I'm behind on catching up on things, partly because I haven't been feeling well either. But I'm still here! *waves*
I'm thinking of starting up a chat thread periodically for y'all to chat about a topic. Not sure on the tag yet. #DisabledSocialHour maybe?
Would y'all like that?
Anyway, feel free to chat away in reply to this post.
And remember you are awesome as you are!
#DisabledSocial #disabledsocialhour