Tackling childhood adversity
More than half of children in Australia will face adversity by the age of 11 and are up to 10 times more likely to have long term health problems than their peers, according to researchers. #disadvantage
#disadvantage : unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condition, circumstance, or the like
- French: désaventage
- German: der Nachteil
- Italian: svantaggio
- Portuguese: desvantagem
- Spanish: desventaja
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
Black Americans facing hardship are less likely than whites to have relatives with socioeconomic resources to draw on, exacerbating disadvantage.
#NICHDimpact #race #disadvantage #economics #SES
I have been learning about #Autism in the same recent years as learning about #AntiRacism and #AntiColonialism .
It seems to fit the pattern: that there is some universal (European/White, Anthropocentric, Androcentric/Misogynist, Christian/Abrahamic, etc) way of being, and everything else is "wrong" and needs to be "corrected".
I see the same underlying thinking in the origins of #ABA as I do in #WhiteSupremacy .
#Diversity should not be treated as a #Disability or a #Disadvantage
#autism #antiracism #anticolonialism #aba #whitesupremacy #diversity #disability #disadvantage
Planning sought for 850 #homes with amenities and public space in #Coolock - but it sounds a bit #ghetto of a mix - surely it's better to have an #income #mix or you're going to have #generational #disadvantage https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2022/12/21/permission-sought-for-construction-of-853-homes-at-oscar-traynor-road/
#homes #coolock #ghetto #income #mix #generational #disadvantage
#disadvantage : unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condition, circumstance, or the like
- French: désaventage
- German: der Nachteil
- Italian: svantaggio
- Portuguese: desvantagem
- Spanish: desventaja
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
Littleproud says a #Voice won't close the gap on Indigenous #disadvantage.
Well, neither will inaction on climate change or locking up Indigenous children. Perhaps #TheNationals could focus campaigning on an actual measure to help #CloseTheGap, rather than (grand)standing against the #IndigenousVoiceToParliament?
#voice #disadvantage #thenationals #closethegap #Indigenousvoicetoparliament #auspol
Childhood #disadvantage is estimated to currently cost the equivalent of 3.4% of GDP annually, so combatting this issue will bring large benefits to economies and societies.
Learn more ➡️ https://fal.cn/3tWjT
We don't have the NRA in Australia. But we have the gambling industry.
Doing it's own level of destruction for profit.
#gambling #disadvantage #addiction #auspol
'Getting onto the wait list is a battle in itself': insiders on what it takes to get social housing in Australia. #housing #disadvantage #socialhousing #publichousing #homelessness https://theconversation.com/getting-onto-the-wait-list-is-a-battle-in-itself-insiders-on-what-it-takes-to-get-social-housing-184838
#housing #disadvantage #socialhousing #publichousing #homelessness
RT @Rships_Project@twitter.com
And we can tackle #disadvantage by building #RadicalTrust, #MutualSupport and life-changing #Mentoring, taking inspiration from @WEvolutionUK@twitter.com, @volunteering_uk@twitter.com 's #Grandmentors and @Switchback_ldn@twitter.com. #RelationalLondon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Rships_Project/status/1237104404915826688
#RelationalLondon #Grandmentors #mentoring #mutualsupport #RadicalTrust #disadvantage