“Argued "Art of the Deal" co-author Tony Schwartz on MSNBC's "The Beat" Friday, #Trump is too delusional and detached from objective fact to do this effectively.
"I think what's happening right now is that he moves between rage and literally a blend of #delusion and #disassociation," said Schwartz. "I think his grip on #reality is incredibly thin a lot of the time. When he is not out of touch with reality, he is just angry. What's he angry about? I've been caught. I could be caught. I could be end up in an 8-by-10 foot cell, I don't think he thought about that. I don't think he has the capacity to imagine himself inside a cell. We know from a lot of reporting that he is concerned he was concerned about getting indicted."
Trump is so 'unmoored from reality' he can't act as a defense witness: 'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism https://www.rawstory.com/the-art-of-the-deal-2659711487/ https://www.rawstory.com/the-art-of-the-deal-2659711487
#trump #delusion #disassociation #reality
Creating an #intuitive deck that can be used for both #divination and #selfreflection is like placing pieces of yourself on display. The #bohemianoracle was born from my own #journey. Part of that journey is processing times of #disassociation
#intuitive #divination #selfreflection #bohemianoracle #journey #disassociation
I just want to exist inside a computer terminal with DnB/breakcore/happy hardcore blaring in the background at all times.
#singularity #nerdgoals #disassociation
Thought I was having a good day then realised I've been in a daze all morning even forgot my cup of tea & tablets! I think I'll take it easy today maybe clean my altar & make Hekate a new candle if I pace that should be OK #chronicillness #disassociation
#chronicillness #disassociation
Guess who’s really freaking glad she’s got therapy scheduled on Monday!
Still feeling sideswiped by finding out my weight because the clinic my hand surgeon is at automatically prints it on referrals for OT. Two seconds and a Sharpie could have prevented this, feedback I’ll share.
Of course this happens during a month where extra treats are part of the celebrating.
Bless my wife who’s already reminded me, “It’s just a number!”, several times already this morning.
Leaning on an #IFS (#InternalFamilySystems) tool hard. I’m focusing on sending my “Body Cop” part to what I call The Asshole Clubhouse. It’s the part of me that screams at me about what I shouldn’t eat, what I must eat, and how my body is hideously misshapen. This part “rewards” good behavior with icy calm that’s really a kind of #Disassociation, a state I’m trying to avoid these days.
I’m grateful my new therapist named the miserable cycle this part throws me in to. She has been helping me understand how #cPTSD, #BodyDysmorphia, and #ED get tangled up with the need to make myself small, to not take up space, to become invisible. My past therapist downplayed it as “poor body image” to be addressed in group therapy after I finished reprocessing with her. This would cause me to get angrier with myself for “making such a big deal” about my body. Turns out that my “drama” is a disorder!
#ifs #internalfamilysystems #disassociation #cptsd #bodydysmorphia #ed