Communities are key in disaster resilience
The recent Hawaii wildfires highlighted the important role that local networks play in dealing with disasters, and Australia should build their capabilities into national disaster and emergency management policies and procedures. #disasterplanning
My electricity provider has told me to expect a 4hr outage on Tuesday. It's going to be 34c with a heat index of 43c, so Hot! Sounds like a good day to test out our #residentialSolar and #batteryBackup system powering two portable AC units as well as the fridge and other essential things.
#solarPunk #disasterPlanning
#disasterplanning #SolarPunk #batterybackup #residentialsolar
Atlantic Coast Preparedness Workshop
$50 one day (9am-4:30)
for libraries, archives, museums, town clerks
Tues Aug 8
New Haven Museum
Thurs Aug17
Portland Museum of Art
Rhode Island
Wed Sept 6
Providence Public Library
Thurs Sept 21
Eastham Public Library
#disasterplanning #emergencypreparedness #archives #museums
#ChrisWhitty says threats to expert advisers during #Covid19 could undermine future #DisasterPlanning – #UK politics live
#ChiefMedicalOfficer for #England says abuse and threats levelled at experts during Covid was ‘extremely concerning
#england #chiefmedicalofficer #uk #disasterplanning #COVID19 #ChrisWhitty
Ars Technica: Rising seas will cut off many properties before they’re flooded #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #disasterplanning #climatechange #Earthscience #sealevelrise #Science #risks
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #disasterplanning #climatechange #earthscience #sealevelrise #science #risks
Rising seas will cut off many properties before they’re flooded - Enlarge / If this road is your only route to the outside world, it migh... - #disasterplanning #climatechange #earthscience #sealevelrise #science #risks
#risks #science #sealevelrise #earthscience #climatechange #disasterplanning
Hazard Exposure and Reporting Analytics (HERA) [USGS, USA]
-- <-- HERA web site
#GIS #spatial #mapping #opendata #openaccess #webmap #USGS #HERA #risk #hazard #exposure #community #digital #data #development #future #security #safety #infrastructure #analytics #property #disastermanagement #disasterplanning #riskassessment #riskmanagement #USA #spatialanalysis #spatialdata #spatiotemporal #planning #publicsafety #naturalhazards #hazardreduction #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #opendata #openaccess #webmap #usgs #hera #risk #hazard #Exposure #community #digital #data #development #future #security #safety #infrastructure #analytics #property #DisasterManagement #disasterplanning #riskassessment #riskmanagement #USA #spatialanalysis #spatialdata #spatiotemporal #planning #publicsafety #NaturalHazards #hazardreduction
Hey #library, #archives, #culturalHeritage friends
I’m prepping a #class on #preservation (primary physical material, digital mater is another class)
I’ve got a good start, but would love to hear what you think. Any recent work to recommend on:
- #disasterPlanning,
- #security,
- preservation #policies,
- #managing a preservation program,
- preservation #grantWriting,
- #ethical considerations around preservation?
#library #archives #culturalheritage #class #preservation #disasterplanning #security #policies #managing #grantwriting #ethical
Last winter was my first one planning for year-round California fire season as a disabled person. This winter is my first one planning for massive flooding in California as a disabled person.
Just saying.
#Disabled #Disaster #DisasterPlanning #California #wheelchair #climatecatastrophe
#disabled #disaster #disasterplanning #california #wheelchair #climatecatastrophe
This is an example of why it's essential to delegate tasks and have a backup plan in place. For months, I have been mentoring and developing my backup/deputy in preparation for potential incidents. Just last week, I used an example of how I might be incapacitated in a car accident. Little did I know that earlier this week, my family and I would be involved in a car accident while on our way to a Disney Cruise. Another vehicle hydroplaned and hit us, causing us to spin across an 8-lane highway and get ping-ponged by multiple cars before coming to a stop on the shoulder. Fortunately, the kids and I only suffered minor injuries, but my wife was hospitalized with multiple traumatic injuries as she took most of the impact. It's going to be a long road to recovery for her, but we are grateful to be alive.
I'm grateful that our continuity plan allows me to be with my family and help them recover without impacting the organization. While we are disappointed that we missed out on our cruise and the White House Christmas party this year, what matters most is that we are still alive. It's important to remember that tomorrow is never guaranteed and to live today like it's your last.
#mentoring #reslience #continuity #democratization #teamwork #disasterplanning #infosec
#mentoring #reslience #continuity #democratization #teamwork #disasterplanning #infosec
Amazing thread containing a list of hypothetical scenarios that threaten the integrity of the bird site over the coming weeks, from a sysadmin with real-world experience.
#tech #technology #data #security #privacy #code #disasterPlanning #disasterRecovery
#disasterrecovery #disasterplanning #Code #Privacy #Security #Data #Technology #Tech