Via: Abby Rhinehart 😷
"For all my LA friends, let me share my 10 years of FL hurricane experience with you🧵
1 If you’re leaving LEAVE NOW Sunday or later is too late
2 If you’re not leaving
- Get non-perishable food items, a non-electric cooking device, and a cooler to fill with ice
- Fill your bathtub with water the night before storm arrives and plug it (use to boil for drinking, shower, and flush toilets)
#HurricaneHilary #DisasterPrep #BeReady
8:23AM Aug 18, 2023
#beready #disasterprep #hurricanehilary
Wrapping up on the #disasterprep kick I went on thr last few days: I'm appalled by the various gov't materials that I found re: disaster resilience. I dunno why I found it all so shocking because <gestures emphatically>, but I did. The messaging throughout was generally "better plan ahead for when shit hits the fan, because you're 100% on your own." My local (urban) county's entire disaster plan seems to consist of a powerpoint deck detailing how they should probably come up with a plan someday.
More on what's turning out to be my #disasterprep weekend:
You know how back during the Cold War, local gov'ts designated certain buildings as fallout shelters? Actual effectiveness of such shelters aside, I expected there to be some sort of similar designated "disaster response" gathering areas by my local county and I can't ANYTHING. I understand that there needs to be some flexibility, but dang. All the materials I've read say "have a plan" but outside my bugout bag, I'm lost.
I've been meaning to put together a disaster prep/bugout/go bag for AGES. I finally got started on it this weekend and I mayyyyy have gone overboard. 😬 I wanted to use my large-ish Thule daypack because it's water resistant and fairly compact but couldn't even come close ti fitting everything. So I grabbed my 48L internal frame pack. It now weighs over 40 lbs (18kgs) and is nearly full. I still have several things I want to purchase to put in it. 🤦
#disasterprep #zombieapocalypse
Idk about y'all, but I've never really gotten around to prepping a go-bag even though I live smack dab in the middle of #wildfire, #earthquake, and #volcano country. But this guide from my #Boise colleagues offers a great plan for getting started.
#wildfire #earthquake #volcano #boise #disasterprep
#DisasterPrep for tonight: filled up the gas tank, refilled an empty propane tank (for my generator + BBQ)
#DisasterPrep and #IT task of the day: replaced the batteries in one of my #UPS units. Noticed a couple of days ago the fan was running constantly... because the UPS was attempting to boil off the rest of a (dead) 12V battery. Bought the $$$$ expensive local Batteries Plus batteries on recommendation of an IT data center manager I know. (have had very bad luck w/online battery purchases).
fwiw I'd never considered myself to have anxiety but the more I'm around other people I realize that not everyone lives like this, planning for all the worst situations and working through possible scenarios all the time. it does make me good at some #OpsLife & #DisasterPrep stuff though.
#DisasterPrep #Poll What are your preferred disaster panic #shopping items? (fell free to chime in on your regional variant)
Nice to see them recommending a 14-day #disaster supply kit nowadays. #DisasterPrep
I wonder if local clubs are still offering the test online? I know they started this in 2020
#hamradio #communications #disasters #disasterprep
Chatting with someone tonight, getting your #hamradio license (in the US) is very straightforward. The basic, entry level license (Technician) can be had with a bit of cramming, it's a multiple-choice test with pre-published answers, with a couple of math formulas to remember. I know lots of people who have gotten it in a one day session (better study it for a month). Worth it! #communications #disasters #DisasterPrep
#hamradio #communications #disasters #disasterprep
ok I got three of the water bricks washed, rinsed, sanitized, and now drying. I like these things- but buying them did get me on some weird prepper lists.
what I like: they are easy to move around even when full, they stack neatly, they're a good size (3.5 gallons), the ventless spigot works great to minimize potential contamination. #DisasterPrep
If you didn't hear me the first 1000 times about heatwave preparation paying off before... heatwave preparation (if you own a home, or can adapt your rental/apartment/RV/etc.) will pay off sooner, unfortunately, rather than later. #DisasterPrep #heatwaves #climate
#disasterprep #heatwaves #Climate
#SantaBarbara has rolled out a mobile "Nanogrid Emergency Response Trailer" to provide emergency charging of phones and medical equipment during #disasters. #DisasterPrep
#santabarbara #disasters #disasterprep
Just bought this book "Building Power: While The Lights Are Out", and I can already tell I'm going to learn ****a lot***. (coming from a privileged, suburban, wealthier neighborhood... this book is from the standpoint of the disadvantaged, those without the capital and resources) #disasters #disasterprep #community
#disasters #disasterprep #community
Well, that's both disappointing and not disappointing. SCE's all day power outage here ended up being not an outage at all. (disappointing, because I did not get to exercise the generator.) #DisasterPrep
Information on preparing for a #tsunami in #BC #Canada (none expected right now, but new material). #disasterprep
#tsunami #BC #canada #disasterprep
for the #HAM #DisasterPrep folks
this crossed my timeline don't know anything else about it.
Head's up for #California - incoming atmospheric river (warm) appears aimed at the state for March 10/11. Although it's unclear how extreme it will be, the possibility for flooding is high. Time to get snow removed from roofs, too. Replenish supplies, etc. Better safe than sorry. #wx #weather #DisasterPrep
#california #wx #weather #disasterprep