WE AID was founded for fast easy & free #disasterresponse. So people who want to help other people can act really fast without the paper hustle of founding a new NGO in the first place.
Read this & help saving lifes:
by UK #metoffice - useful info for anyone in areas at risk for events like #torrentialrain or #storms
#yesWEAID #WEAIDfamily #emergencyaid #relief #weatherforecast #starkregen #liveunited
#LiveUnited #starkregen #weatherforecast #relief #EmergencyAid #weaidfamily #yesweaid #storms #torrentialrain #MetOffice #extremeweather #disasterresponse
Es gibt in UK Anleitungen für die Bevölkerung, wie man sich vorbereiten kann, wie Gebäude gesichert werden können & was im Hochwasserfall zu beachten ist. Nach der #Ahrtal-Katastrophe wäre das wirklich in allen Risikogebieten wünschenswert, auch wenn es nur bedingt bei solchen Ausmaßen hift.
Hier ist die Seite - alles Gute!
#yesWEAID #torrentialrain #starkregen #überflutung #vorsorge #disasterresponse #disasterrelief #nothilfe #fluthilfe #wetter #news
#News #wetter #Fluthilfe #nothilfe #disasterrelief #disasterresponse #vorsorge #uberflutung #starkregen #torrentialrain #yesweaid #Ahrtal
1️⃣ for stopping scrolling 😉
2️⃣ for already 1.200 WE AID linkedin followers
3️⃣ for the amazing initiatives for Good supported by WE AID!
Follow us here too:
💛➡️ https://linktr.ee/yesWEAID
WE can do better. Together!
WE AID is your organizational structure on demand: FREE, fast & easy.
So YOU can start helping really fast. And more good people help people.
#yesWEAID #WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #disasterresponse #generationrestoration #SuperhumanDay #liveunited #goodnews #gutenachrichten
#gutenachrichten #goodnews #LiveUnited #superhumanday #generationrestoration #disasterresponse #humanitarian #weaidfamily #yesweaid
Dazu gibts bereits eine lebensrettende funktionierende Lösung - eine unserer unterstützten Initiativen hat bereits über 110 Systeme aus recycleten EV Akkus in die Ukraine geschickt. Für Intensiv- und Geburtsstationen, als Blackoutsicherung für Schulen und Kindergärten.
Ist robust (vom Roten Kreuz Portugal im Noteinsatz getestet, kombinierbar & verfügbar. Lest und schaut selbst, Support willkommen:
#strom #disasterresponse #circulareconomy #yesweaid
Remember your days as a #kid #playing with a #miniaturetrain?
As grown ups NOW real #railroaders ask for your help.
You ALREADY did 6.000 parcels, WE continue. Any support welcome! 😃
🚂💛➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives/allrail-support-ukraine-rail-task-force/
#yesWEAID #WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #railroaders railwayfans #disasterresponse #nothilfe #akuthilfe #disasterrelief #relief #foodparcels #liveunited #gutenachrichten #eisenbahn #modellbahn #ModelRailway #rail #railroadnews #news
#modelrailway #Modellbahn #News #railroadnews #Rail #Eisenbahn #gutenachrichten #LiveUnited #foodparcels #relief #disasterrelief #akuthilfe #nothilfe #disasterresponse #humanitarian #weaidfamily #yesweaid #goodnews #railroaders #miniaturetrain #playing #kid
#BlueMoon #rightnow over #Berlin.
Meanwhile, if you´d like to #improve things down here on earth for the better, WE AID is here to help you. It´s free. Get insoired
🎥💛➡️ https://youtube.com/@yesWEAID
(choose subtitles in your language)
or direct on our website
💛➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/
#yesWEAID #WEAIDfamily #humanitarian #disasterresponse #nothilfe #akuthilfe #mond #supermond #blauermond #emergencyaid #supermoon @stormhour #photography #tides #vollmond #astrophotography #astro #liveunited #news
#LiveUnited #vollmond #tides #News #Astro #astrophotography #Photography #supermoon #EmergencyAid #blauermond #Supermond #mond #akuthilfe #nothilfe #disasterresponse #humanitarian #weaidfamily #yesweaid #improve #Berlin #rightnow #bluemoon
Our thoughts are with the people affected by disasters at the moment from #Greece to #Austria, #Switzerland, #Canada – and now #hurricane #Idalia arrived for Cuba & #Florida.
#UnitedWay is not here on #mastodon yet, so we post their HELPFUL DISASTER RELIEF website for the US:
🌪 ℹ️⏯ https://www.211.org/get-help/disaster-recovery
Stay safe anyone anywhere!
#yesWEAID #WEAIDfamily #liveunited #disasterresponse #disasterrelief #extremeweather #torrentialrain #hurricane #recovery #weather #info #news
#info #weaidfamily #Canada #switzerland #austria #Greece #News #Weather #recovery #torrentialrain #extremeweather #disasterrelief #disasterresponse #LiveUnited #yesweaid #Mastodon #unitedway #Florida #idalia #hurricane
Initiatives find us. We don´t #start them. When we started WE AID, we didn´t knew, we would have people helping other people from all over #earth by values like the basic #humanrights.
"Let´s walk Uganda" was the first initiaive from Africa and the first LGBTQ among many others:
#Today they get supported #giving #hope by 40 organizations within #queerenothilfe Uganda like @lsvd
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #disasterresponse #emergencyaid #africa
#Africa #EmergencyAid #disasterresponse #humanitarian #yesweaid #queerenothilfe #hope #giving #today #HumanRights #Earth #start #LoveIsLove
WE emphasize GOOD. ONE initiative at a time #giving #hope FAST. FREE & EASY on demand – #professionalorganizational structures 2 start #disasterresponse ... Start yours
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #disasterresponse #nothilfe #emergencyaid #NGO #twlz #weather #relief #gutestun #gutenachrichten #goodnews #socent #socialimpact #relief #extremeweather #fluthilfe #strom #mastoart #circulareconomy #fashion #startup #entrepreneur #news
#MastoArt #News #entrepreneur #startup #fashion #circulareconomy #strom #Fluthilfe #extremeweather #socialimpact #socent #goodnews #gutenachrichten #gutestun #EmergencyAid #nothilfe #humanitarian #relief #Weather #twlz #ngo #today #start #best #yesweaid #disasterresponse #professionalorganizational #hope #giving
The initiative #UkrainehilfePotsdam invites you to the beautiful town of #Potsdam
August 24th 2023
💛➡️ hhttps://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives/934/
for a day with live music and lots of cultural impressions.
They kindly ask for support. All info above.
In the past they already made 1day boat tours for kids possible to forget the horrors of war for some time. A cause worth your compassion.
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #relief #disasteraid #disasterresponse #socent #liveunited #hope
#hope #LiveUnited #socent #disasterresponse #disasteraid #relief #humanitarian #yesweaid #potsdam #ukrainehilfepotsdam #savethedate
GIS Powers Innovative Action Among State And Local Governments
https://www.govtech.com/analytics/gis-powers-innovative-action-among-state-and-local-governments <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #stategovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #disasterriskreduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #environment #ecosystems #climatechange
#gis #spatial #mapping #StateGovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #Environment #ecosystems #climatechange
#goodnews #gutenachrichten #mauistrong
As people mourn and our hearts are with #Kula #Lahaina #Maui #Hawaii
#UnitedWay MAUI just announced that LOCAL residents can easily APPLY now for 1.000$ - read more:
Meanwhile here is a video to remember the area BEFORE the wildfires:
🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnWtLE0euhg
#yesWEAID #disasterresponse #relief #humanitarian #mauifires #hawaii #extremeweather #nothilfe #socent #unitedway #unitedwaymaui #liveunited #aloha #uplifting #news
#uplifting #gutenachrichten #kula #News #ALOHA #LiveUnited #unitedwaymaui #socent #nothilfe #extremeweather #mauifires #humanitarian #relief #disasterresponse #yesweaid #unitedway #hawaii #maui #lahaina #mauistrong #goodnews
The #HurricaneWatchNet activates at the top of the hour.
The #VOIPHurricaneNet is already active.
#disasterresponse #amateurradio #voiphurricanenet #hurricanewatchnet
My team is now assigned to #HurricaneHilary. We are prepared to respond. Please be safe. #RedCross #DisasterResponse
#disasterresponse #redcross #hurricanehilary
After well over a decade of social media in emergency management then the role its role has grown exponentially. From wildfires to active shooters and everything in between, lives have been saved.
But times are changing, what may have been the most effective platform has become less safe for many of those who need to be reach. Please expand your voice to reach people where they are at and free them to choose a platform that’s safe for them.
#emergencymanagement #disasterresponse #publicsafety
New study finds vastly increased number of deaths in U.S. from hurricanes https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/17/new-study-finds-increased-number-of-deaths-in-u-s-from-hurricanes/ #NOAA #ScienceAdvance #hurricane #hurricanedeaths #CDC #DisasterResponse #disasterpreparedness #politicaliq #news #politics
#noaa #scienceadvance #hurricane #hurricanedeaths #cdc #disasterresponse #DisasterPreparedness #politicaliq #News #politics
My team is monitoring #TropicalStorm #Hilary and stands ready if called upon to respond. #cawx #nvwx #azwx #RedCross #DisasterResponse
#disasterresponse #redcross #azwx #NVwx #cawx #hilary #tropicalstorm
From that study on #HurricaneLane
#hurricanelane #disasterresponse #riskassessment #hawaii
I just contacted WH6AV on #Maui (incredibly on DMR- Brandmeister talkgroup 3115). He's okay. Reports mass evacuations are beginning within the hour. #AmateurRadio #Hawaii #wildfires #DisasterResponse
#disasterresponse #wildfires #hawaii #amateurradio #maui