#JohnEastman is in the middle of #disbarment proceedings in California. He just asking for them be be indefinitely postponed because of the growing likelihood he'll be #criminaly charged.
A #criminal #indictment is more reason to #disbar, not less.
#FakeElectors #Conspiracy #Fraud #law #crime #legal #DOJ
#johneastman #disbarment #criminaly #criminal #indictment #disbar #fakeelectors #conspiracy #fraud #law #crime #legal #doj
The DC Bar Association 3-member Committee's issued their 38 pg report after months of deliberation, recommending disbarment for Rudy Giuliani. Already can't practice in NY. Next he appeals & a larger panel will do the same. TFG/45x3 even waived atty-client privilege so Rudy could testify!
#disbar #giuliani #traitor #filed #fake #complaints w/o #evidence #fine #remove #arrest #convict #jail #frivolous #suits #DC #Bar #association #NY #NewYorkCity #americas #mayor #LOL https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/07/disciplinary-panel-calls-for-rudy-giulianis-disbarment-00105220
#disbar #giuliani #traitor #filed #fake #complaints #evidence #fine #remove #arrest #convict #jail #frivolous #suits #dc #bar #association #ny #newyorkcity #americas #mayor #lol
Ouch. The Georgia fake electors case just took an ugly turn for some of the defense lawyers in it.
> electors ... told prosecutors [Debrow and Pierson] had not informed them of
> offers of immunity in exchange for cooperation ...
> The filing noted that [the lawyers] had previously told the court that [they] had
> spoken to their clients about potential immunity offers, but that “none of their
> clients were interested.”
@Popehat Is that a recommended strategy?
Fun! How do YOU spell #Disbar?
Ex-Fox News producer supercharges lawsuit, alleges network's lawyers deleted evidence from her phone https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/4/14/2163934/-Ex-Fox-News-producer-supercharges-lawsuit-alleges-network-s-lawyers-deleted-evidence-from-her-phone
Trump's top "ethics lawyer" violated ethics rules I am so shocked no not really it's just another day in MAGAland.
#Disbar Stefan Passantino.