#DiscardedJoke The building has a blackout. Karu's eyes are glowing, and everyone screams.
Toren turns around and his eyes are glowing too. "What?"
Here's the deal: I will share a discarded joke if I am certain I'm not using it, and you're allowed to groan and moan in the comments. That's why they're discarded, because they can be mean-spirited, punching down, or plain unfunny.
But here's the other half of the deal: what goes into the book stays in the book. I'm not sharing it on Mastodon
#writing #discardedjoke #aussiewriter
#DiscardedJoke There is a recording session. The musician is rehearsing.
"Why would you want to work with a twelve-year-old?" asks a student.
"Kids can pick up technology like you wouldn't believe," says Karu.
The piano blows a fuse.
"You can work with her [if you have a youth care card], too. She's fifteen."
Discarded joke: No one can hear the song; Karu tries to up the volume; Toren pulls the headphone jack and now everyone can hear it #writing #DiscardedJoke