Quite a trick to be given a monopoly on supplying water to #England's wealthiest region, but to end up going bust. It's like Trump losing money on his casinos!
fulelo@journa.host - BBC News - #Thames #Water in urgent funding talks amid fears of collapse
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66039170 it has been heavily criticised following a series of #sewage #discharges, viz here:
Sewage entered rivers and seas on average 825 times a day last year
#discharges #sewage #water #thames #england
BBC News - #Thames #Water in urgent funding talks amid fears of collapse
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66039170 it has been heavily criticised following a series of #sewage #discharges, viz here:
Sewage entered rivers and seas on average 825 times a day last year
#Thames #water #sewage #discharges
#RegulatoryCapture: A #BigOil-backed #exemption in #federal #environmental #law allows #states to discount #pollution from “exceptional events” beyond their control, including #wildfires… so #emissions sources in the state won’t be required to reduce other #discharges to help offset the #smokepollution.
#regulatorycapture #bigoil #exemption #federal #environmental #law #states #pollution #wildfires #emissions #discharges #smokepollution #keepitintheground #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #distributemedia
Good to see #thameswater sharing #data for near real-time information about #storm #overflow activity.
It shows #discharges into #watercourses
Data questions I have - Is there access to the underlying data? What is the #licensing? Is this #opendata
#thameswater #data #storm #overflow #discharges #watercourses #licensing #opendata