Active in #OnlineEducation from here in #Japan since 1995, this short paper is the culmination of my work:
"Online Education as a Discipline."
It has been read by over 6,000 researchers since 2021 on Academia Edu at but reviewers and readers haven't fully noticed how it goes beyond emergency remote teaching and #BlendedLearning to #disciplinarity and #interdisciplinarity,
#ProfessionalEthics #FacultyDevelopment, and #India's institutional culture of education.
From the Abstract: the paper "explains what a discipline is by clarifying the difference between a field and a discipline. Then it explains what online education is, as an academic discipline. It discusses disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity issues relevant to all academic fields."
Please read it and respond!
@edutooters @digisociety @sharedthinking @AlejandraPickett @mguhlin
#Education #EdTech
#HigherEducation #OnlineTeaching #DistanceEducation
#DistanceEducation #onlineteaching #highereducation #edtech #Education #India #facultydevelopment #ProfessionalEthics #interdisciplinarity #disciplinarity #blendedlearning #japan #onlineeducation
Now that there are more of us here, I’m reposting this! Tune into the livestream this Wednesday at 1EST to hear my talk with on #disciplinarity , #Enlightenment , and the #EndsOfKnowledge.
#EndsOfKnowledge #enlightenment #disciplinarity