#disclaimer #honderdje #uKV #zkv #rechtbank #smaad #belediging #ikluisterkijkenschrijf #likenisleuk #delenwordtgewaardeerd en #reactieszijnwelkom
#reactieszijnwelkom #delenwordtgewaardeerd #likenisleuk #ikluisterkijkenschrijf #belediging #smaad #rechtbank #zkv #ukv #honderdje #disclaimer
Konami warns players of “outdated” content in Metal Gear Solid collection - Enlarge / Someone had better warn that snowsuit-clad guard about the "o... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1962127 #metalgearsolid #disclaimer #outdated #gaming #konami
#konami #gaming #outdated #disclaimer #metalgearsolid
#Disclaimer Je préviens cette après -midi il y a du #rugby. C'est donc le bon moment pour me muter pendant 24h si vous voulez pas voir mes posts débiles et des gifs encore plus bêtes. Généralement je poste avec la cheutague rugby que vous pouvez bloquer aussi.
This is a Reminder (In regard to my posts!)
#politics #currentevents #religion #kjv #kingjamesbible #bible #biblestudy
#Disclaimer: When I post articles and/or #sermons for my Internet #Radio Station Website, Radio America USA I post as they articles states without taking sides unless I make my own commentary which I will state that if it so, it is for your #study and #education!
#politics #currentevents #religion #kjv #kingjamesbible #bible #biblestudy #disclaimer #Sermons #radio #study #education
@chartier @craiggrannell Well, to be fair, given Keanu sounds like a stoner whatever he is in they might actually go for that.
#Disclaimer I love Keanu and the John Wick movies
Elektroautocontent: während der Standard in einem "Testbericht" über irgendeinen Elektrokübel alle Negativklischees für #Elektomobilität bedient (überteuert, langwieriges Laden, unzureichende Reichweite etc.) verramscht Tesla jetzt seine LongRange-Modelle: doppelte Reichweite zum halben Preis (670km, 37.000€). Ich frag' mich da: wie lang können die Benzinbrüder noch standhaft zum Diesel halten? 🤣
#Disclaimer: dies war keineswegs Negativwerbung für's Kein-Auto 😇
ja koska lähtee laukalle niin lisään vielä että *jos* toi olis oikeesti terapiateksti niin kirjoittaja on selvästi "jäänyt yksin vaikeiden tunteiden ja kokemusten kanssa"
eli siitä nimenomaan puuttuu terapeutin osuus. terapia on ihmisten kohtaamista ja vuorovaikutusta. luottamuksellista ja yksityistä sellaista.
en oo ammattilainen eli mutulla ja yleissivistyksellä nyt heittelen näit menemään #disclaimer
#Disclaimer Heute Morgen bei den #Spezialtage-Tweets Mal etwas anders. Die Vorgabe an #ChatGPT war, dass sie twittern soll wie #KlausKinskitwittert. Die getroffene Wortwahl spiegelt also in KEINSTER WEISE meine Ansichten wieder. Es ist einfach nur zum Spaß. Have Fun!
#klauskinskitwittert #chatgpt #Spezialtage #disclaimer
#disclaimer el siguiente toot, contiene #fedidrama
Su ingesta, requiere supervisión de un adulto #musicamelancolica
Faith no more - I started a joke
#disclaimer #fedidrama #musicamelancolica
#Mastodon #Tips for the #Art lovers and #followers out there. If you're browsing a timeline and see art you enjoy, click their profile and hit the "media" button to see all the images from that #contentcreator!
#disclaimer I don't know if all apps and outlets support media only view, but @IceCubesApp for #IOS does! #support the creators that make the content you enjoy!
#Fediverse #Aiart #artist #artificialintelligence #stablediffusion #midjourney #digitalart
#mastodon #tips #art #followers #contentcreator #disclaimer #ios #support #fediverse #aiart #artist #artificialintelligence #stablediffusion #midjourney #digitalart
I just activated my voice to text and found myself raising my voice as if that would help it understand my words better. What. The. Fuck. I predict more adventures to come. #disclaimer
A quotation from Russell, Bertrand:
Since I do not admit that a person without bias exists, I think the best that can be done with a large-scale history is to admit one’s bias and for dissatisfied readers to look for other writers to express an opposite bias. Which bias is nearer to the truth must be left to posterity.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #bias #disclaimer #future #historian #history #humannature #truth
#quote #quotes #quotation #bias #disclaimer #future #historian #history #humannature #truth
#Disclaimer folks - posting or re-posting does not necessary mean agreement, but important information!
Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - Why Most #Preachers Are Afraid Of #ConspiracyTheories https://rumble.com/v2j74bu-why-most-preachers-are-afraid-of-conspiracy-theories.html
#conspiracytheories #Preachers #kingjamesbible #kjv #biblestudy #bible #Scriptures #Sermon #disclaimer
#Disclaimer: I do not own a Twitch Account.
So, today April 7, 2023 on #Twitch and I found the following streamers with the #Neurodivergent tag but this post is already #Outdated by 1-2 hours maybe...
I've chosen the streams with some extra #criteria/#criterion like
* #TransparentArchives (criterion: a streamer must not turn off archive and it must also show current stream in the video archive)
* #Facecam
at the time of picking each streamer. The numbers are amount of viewers.
Top 3 streamers according to my criteria #ViewersHighToLow:
* #AndyMacster 133 #ALinkBetweenWorlds
* #Elwyyra 121 #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica
* #Charmelian 120 #TheSims4
3 'random' #LowerViewCountStreamers:
* #lesbiantoebeans 1 #ResidentEvil4
* #missmajick 6 #GreenHell
* #hybrid10prime 2 #ApexLegends
#disclaimer #twitch #neurodivergent #outdated #criteria #transparentarchives #facecam #viewershightolow #andymacster #alinkbetweenworlds #elwyyra #residentevilcodeveronica #charmelian #thesims4 #lowerviewcountstreamers #lesbiantoebeans #residentevil4 #missmajick #greenhell #hybrid10prime #apexlegends
Meine Tweets Spenden euch manchen ratschlag, weisheit und auch Trost, doch ersetzen sie keinen Besuch bei einer ausgebildeten Ärzt_in
we hebben een #bijlage !!
met een #disclaimer:
We zijn het er over eens dat het onwenselijk is als volwassenen seks met minderjarigen hebben.
—-> https://open.spotify.com/episode/1SlIzwVQ3V7MsnIVILr4I3 groetjes @ChrisAalberts en mij.
Hola, domingo. ¿De verdad que en Snapchat han puesto un filtro que te pone la cara de Einstein? Uno piensa al principio lo de #asteroidevenya, pero luego no dejas de celebrar que el sabio más sabio (#disclaimer: y machista en términos que ya debían haber sido inaceptables en su época, añado) siga siendo parte de la cultura pop y merecedor de un filtro para redes sociales. O algo así.
#MartesDeMusicaMexicana #Disclaimer #Melodramatico
Una muestra de los nuevos cantantes de trova (no tan nuevo)
Buena medicina - Omar Marquez
#MartesDeMusicaMexicana #disclaimer #melodramatico