U.S. had intelligence of detailed #Ukrainian plan to attack #NordStream #pipeline
THE #DISCORDLEAKS | The CIA learned last June, via a European spy agency, that a six-person team of Ukrainian special operations forces intended to sabotage the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project
... to support the renewable energies? :blobcatthinkowo:
#discordleaks #pipeline #nordstream #ukrainian
You can still find last month’s episode with Aric Toler discussing the #discordleaks, available for free here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aric-toler-on-of-81739827
You can read more about the #discordleaks and how Aric Toler initially located the origins of the leaked documents here: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/09/from-discord-to-4chan-the-improbable-journey-of-a-us-defence-leak/
The #discordleaks were first made public by an Air National Guardsmen Jack Teixeira, who was sharing the US secret documents in a gaming discord server. He is currently facing trial https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.255930/gov.uscourts.mad.255930.19.0_3.pdf
NEW: Aric Toler reveals three documents found in the #discordleaks that detail US intelligence gathering on Ukrainian Armed Forces operations. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/28/anatomy-of-three-leaked-us-intelligence-documents/
What Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg says about the Discord leak - The Washington Post
The war in Ukraine, he said, “feels very similar to Vietnam. The war is stalemated, that seems so obvious now except for the fact that both sides totally deny it.
RT @Antiwarcom
Mainstream Media Turn Coats on ‘National Security’ Leaks
by Thomas Knapp
@thomaslknapp #leakeddocuments #Discordleaks #JackTeixeira #secrets
#leakeddocuments #discordleaks #jackteixeira #secrets
#SocialMedia #Discord #DiscordLeaks #Russia #Ukraine #USA: "A social-media account overseen by a former U.S. Navy noncommissioned officer—a prominent online voice supporting Russia’s war on Ukraine—played a key role in the spread of intelligence documents allegedly leaked by Airman First Class Jack Teixeira, reposting files from obscure online chat rooms.
A purported Russian blogger known as Donbass Devushka, which translates as Donbas Girl, is the face of a network of pro-Kremlin social-media, podcasting, merchandise and fundraising accounts. But the person who hosted podcasts as Donbass Devushka and oversees these accounts is a Washington-state-based former U.S. enlisted aviation electronics technician whose real name is Sarah Bils.
Russia first intervened in the Donbas part of eastern Ukraine in 2014, and most of the recent fighting has focused on that area."
#socialmedia #discord #discordleaks #russia #ukraine #usa
“On April 5, the Donbass Devushka Telegram account posted four of the allegedly leaked classified documents to its 65,000 followers, according to a screenshot seen by The Wall Street Journal. That led several large Russian social-media accounts to pick up on the documents, after which the Pentagon launched an investigation. Ms. Bils says another administrator posted the four files.” #DiscordLeaks
“A purported Russian blogger known as Donbass Devushka, which translates as Donbas Girl, is the face of a network of pro-Kremlin social-media, podcasting, merchandise and fundraising accounts. But the person who hosted podcasts as Donbass Devushka and oversees these accounts is a Washington-state-based former U.S. enlisted aviation electronics technician whose real name is Sarah Bils.” #DiscordLeaks
RT @benpauker
EXCLUSIVE: An elite Russian gov. unit has built a sophisticated bot engine that can manipulate social media and search engine rankings with a much higher success rate than previously known, according to #DiscordLeaks docs
By @josephmenn https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/04/16/russia-disinformation-discord-leaked-documents/
"The person accused in the Discord leak, unlike Manning, Snowden or Winner, appears to represent a widely held perspective in which people whose closest relationships are online see no reason not to expose every aspect of their lives to their digital friends."
The #discordleaks are basically edgelord behaviour: anything to seem more interesting to my friends and my tribe, wider rules and consequences be damned. A symptomatic lack of social cohesion.
US conservatives are defending #DiscordLeaks suspect precisely because he was an edgelord while mainstream outlets struggle to articulate the fascist underpinnings of these disaffected young men that marinate themselves in bigotry and gun culture. #uspol
LMK if anyone reads a soul-searching sentence in the #DiscordLeaks coverage that points to an obsession with post-9/11 intelligence “fusion” as an overreaction that has now come back to haunt us because it ultimately led to document access promiscuity.
FBI arrests 21-year-old Air Force guardsman in Pentagon leak case - CNN Politics https://apple.news/ASrRaYRTYRKG7s1ywETo1dw #PentagonLeak #NationalSecurity #DiscordLeaks
#pentagonleak #nationalsecurity #discordleaks
Olen ma nüüd õigesti aru saanud, et kogu USA ja liitlaste luureinfo salajasus on seni püsinud vaid usul, et rahvuskaardiga isetahtsi liitunud teismelised IT-poisid/tüdrukud oma mängusemude ees uhkeldamiseks seda avalikuks ei tee?
Ja omaette huumor on, et kui FBI saabub pärast aastatepikkust tilkumist lekitajat kinni pidama, on ajakirjanikud jõudnud majatrepil intervjueerida juba nii tema ema kui ka kasuisa ning kogu aktsioon võetakse ka otsast lõpuni filmilinti...
Of course the first photograph we have of #jaketeixeira shows him taking a selfie. #leaker #discord #discordleaks
#discordleaks #discord #leaker #jaketeixeira
Man really was just fishing for clout and decided to share his Monday meeting deck :ohgno: :oh_no_bubble:
#discordleaks #ukraine #leakeddocuments
#Poll: How concerned are you about the security of secret military documents? https://politicaliq.com/2023/04/13/report-new-details-about-pentagon-documents-leaker/ #PentagonLeak #PentagonFiles #Discord #DiscordLeaks #RussianUkrainianWar #politicaliq #news #politics
#poll #pentagonleak #pentagonfiles #discord #discordleaks #RussianUkrainianWar #politicaliq #News #politics