no idea what the name of the backpacker’s place in #liberdade (são paulo) thirty years ago was. but there’s a hotel called #kyoto which has a very similar vibe to what i remember, and is in the right location.
and holy shit, #DiscotecaElMuki is still a going concern in #cusco. now those are some not-entirely-good memories.
#Liberdade #kyoto #discotecaelmuki #cusco
no idea what the name of the backpacker’s place in #liberdade (são paulo) thirty years ago was. but there’s a hotel called #kyoto which has a very similar vibe to what i remember, and is in the right location.
and holy shit, #DiscotecaElMuki is still a going concern in cusco. now those are some not-entirely-good memories.
#Liberdade #kyoto #discotecaelmuki