I have #Meniere's #disease which results in #hearing #loss and #vértigo. I wear #hearing #aids daily for #cognition and to help knock down #tinnitus. In my late 60s now and have been wearing them for the last decade.
Trying to get my 90+ y/o parent to wear them & keep them in has been #discouraging as they claim "I can hear you just fine". I know they help because I don't have yell and repeat myself when they wear them.
#meniere #disease #hearing #loss #vertigo #aids #cognition #tinnitus #discouraging #GiveUp
I've called 4 different practices attempting to schedule an evaluation for hearing loss & tinnitus. One wouldn't schedule w/o a referral even tho my insurance doesn't require a referral. All 4 quoted earliest appt available is June
I worked in ophthalmology for 20 yrs. In a 4 doc practice, we saw everyone. The doctors would make room on their schedule
Nowadays, it seems specialists don't want to see patients unless it involves surgery. The rest of us can kick dirt
Many infectious-disease doctors in Canada are pleading for mask mandates. Various health ministers are "urging" use of masks in public places. And yet, I'm on a plane where I've seen less than six masks, including mine. #discouraging
@aderfel All this, and yet I'm on a plane where I've seen less than six masks, including mine. #discouraging