Hello @DiscourseNet
My name is Edwin Schmitt
I am interested in political discourse in China, Norway and the US. I have previously worked on the rise of environmental ideology in the People's Republic of China. Happy to learn more about discourse studies through friends here on the fediverse.
#discourseintro #DiscourseStudies
I'm an AI engineer and my team has recently been helping a startup implement a #FOSS #Discord bot system called Stigbot, Stigsite, and Stigflow to assist with "Collective #Sensemaking". It's based on research by Stigliani. Hence the names.
I've learned that this means a lot of things to different people:
Community Moderation
#Discourse Engineering
#Knowledge Basing and Search
Bookmark Sharing
#discourseintro #contentcurration #knowledge #mechanismdesign #learningengineering #discourse #sensemaking #Discord #FOSS