What cities in the EU are underrated?
My boyfriend and me received a #DiscoverEU pass and we're gonna travel :dragon_sarc:
I have received a #DiscoverEU travel pass!
:dragon_happy: :drgn_notice: :drgn_sparkle: :drgn_excited:
I am going to travel together with my boyfriend, who received one too.
RT @Vincent_I_Herr
What an opportunity to take a selfie: on the floor of the @Europarl_EN with 1,200 trainees of the European institutions and Director-General @ChristophidouEU. Thanks for the invite to speak on #powerofanidea, #discovereu, and #heforshe. What a group and what a day.
#powerofanidea #discovereu #heforshe
Reading about #DiscoverEU and thinking about how back in the days we could buy train tickets in #Poland with a 50% discount (with student IDs), even though we weren't even #EU residents. Back in #Belarus such luxury was granted only to kids under 10.
… and now one can apply for a free EU-wide train pass just because they're 18 and a student 🤯😍
#transit #eu #Belarus #Poland #discovereu
While of course the EU funding #DiscoverEU to give free Interrail passes to 18 year olds makes sense...
... I do however wish the EU policy were coherent.
This is the EMU run by Koleje Małopolskie I took from Tarnów to Kraków Główny during #CrossBorderRail
The EU funded the acquisition of the train, BUT Interrail is not valid on the service!
IF the EU funds a train like this, it'd only be coherent for Interrail to be accepted on it.
A small reminder: the EU is giving away Interrail tickets to young people via the #DiscoverEU programme - GOOD 👍
However the EU has funded the acquisition of regional trains in Poland and Czechia on which Interrail is not valid - INCOHERENT 🤬
RT @HerrUndSpeer@twitter.com
The announcement of the #DiscoverEU results is always a moving moment for us. In the last round, more than 160,000 young Europeans applied. 47,000 of them will now receive travel pass and start a life changing European journey.
We are so grateful. 🌱🚉🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HerrUndSpeer/status/1612793207745830912
@richardavsmith @slasherfun We're back again (hell, aren't we always?) at the question of EU political will. As the #DiscoverEU programme is a massive financial bung to Interrail from the EU then the EU ought to put some criteria on how this all works in return... But that assumes the Commission even knows the problem.
RT @DLFNachrichten@twitter.com
Die EU-Kommission verschenkt wieder 60.000 Interrail-Tickets an junge Menschen. Interessierte im Alter zwischen 18 und 20 Jahren können sich ab morgen zwei Wochen lang um die Zugfahrkarten bewerben.
https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/discovereu-eu-kommission-verschenkt-60-000-zugtickets-an.2849.de.html?drn:news_id=1310726 #Interrail #DiscoverEU
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DLFNachrichten/status/1447704955763187716