#DiscoverTheNight as #InternationalDarkSkyWeek continues. Learn about #lightpollution, find a #darkskysite near you, be a #citizenscientist as you measure and submit night sky brightness observations. https://idsw.darksky.org
#discoverthenight #internationaldarkskyweek #lightpollution #darkskysite #citizenscientist
We're pleased to see an #EarlyDayMotion recognising International Dark Sky Week & the need to do more to tackle #LightPollution
Thanks to MP Caroline Lucas for sponsoring the motion!
Please consider writing to your MP to ask them to support the motion 👇
Feel you need to know more about light pollution & the impacts it has on both wildlife & people before writing?
Find out more here 👇
#earlydaymotion #lightpollution #discoverthenight #SkyAtNight