Here's my hand-drawn implementation of #AdventOfCode #AoC22 day 2 using logic gates from a truth table. Part 1 is a bit messy already, so I didn't dare & combine them... Also, this would just be for one input at a time, and there are 2500 lines in my input file, so this would take a while! #electronics #logicgates #discretelogic #engineering #coding #programming #homework
#adventofcode #aoc22 #electronics #logicgates #discretelogic #engineering #coding #programming #homework
Lord, I forgot what an unholy mess the Stormtrooper Attack build is #discretelogic #ttllogic #diyelectronics
#discretelogic #ttllogic #diyelectronics
Fun stuff. Ken Shirriff on tracking down a fault on an IBM 1401 and printer. This was in the days when everything was implemented in discrete logic and if you look through the high-level and hardware schematics, you can trace the fault down to the transistor that caused it.
#Hardware #DigitalLogic #DiscreteLogic #History #IBM #IBM1401 #Engineering #Technology
#hardware #digitallogic #discretelogic #history #ibm #ibm1401 #engineering #technology