Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
174 followers · 3146 posts · Server
SLCW💥 · @slcw
349 followers · 3559 posts · Server

is a former who, along with a team of scumbags, tried to end American , millions of voters, and install himself as ruler in opposition to the will of the people. is private citizen and recovering drug addict who filed his taxes late, and lied on the form you have to fill out when buying a gun. That's the difference between the two. Someone should sit down and explain it to him.

#trump #President #Democracy #disenfranchise #american #hunterbiden #ladyg

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
147 followers · 2218 posts · Server
Minoru Saba · @minorusaba
68 followers · 3765 posts · Server


"...what happens to someone’s voting rights after serving a prison sentence depends entirely on the state where they were convicted. In some states, their voting rights are restored after they are released from prison. In other places, they may permanently lose their rights."

🔸Seems like they want to the poor.


Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
479 followers · 8834 posts · Server

said the was trying “to use their unsubstantiated to the results of a and ,” and that was an “illegitimate attempt to the will of the and the of our .”

Now when and where have we heard this before? :eyeroll: 's have no . None.
, Who Tried to Overturn an Election, Says to Him Would Be Overturning an Election

#iamdb #impeach #kenpaxton #shame #republican #state #voters #disenfranchise #people #overthrow #Impeachment #Election #fair #Free #OVERTURN #report #committee #Paxton

Last updated 1 year ago

dangercake · @dangercake
92 followers · 940 posts · Server - sorry with the politics, sometimes it's tricky to remember to be angry with the greedy NHS staff all the time oh shit look the scary woke terror boats come for our precious things!

Please remind everyone you know that they may need to apply for additional photo id to vote in England this year. and and from .

#rapaciousfuckingghouls #expensivedistractions #disenfranchise #plunder #pillage

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1332 followers · 12638 posts · Server
Walter Rhein · @walterrhein
23 followers · 29 posts · Server
VAWeisman · @vaweisman
745 followers · 16447 posts · Server

@deadtom @georgetakei For 20+ years, the Brothers & other ultra donors promoted/funded a unified system of by the across the country in order to poor/POC & dilute the blue votes. Plus of voter rolls as in . Dems are FINALLY suing to demand fair maps, but it’s like chipping at a mountain w/a teaspoon. Blue voters are out & vocal. They’re chipping away at the mountain but it takes time to undo the damage.

#koch #conservative #gerrymandering #gop #disenfranchise #voters #purges #georgia

Last updated 2 years ago

@flexghost I always thought that part of the reason (aside from saving face in his inevitable loss), that TFG would whine about voter fraud, specially the second time around, while he was in charge of the executive branch, was to inspire folks like this guy. If everyone is cheating (they weren’t), then it’s not so bad to cheat yourself. No one even has to guess what party they are from. It’s been clear as night and day since the southern strategy was out in place. There is nothing below the Republican Party when it comes to winning. Nothing.

#disenfranchise #voterfraud #fraud #electoralcollege

Last updated 2 years ago

pennine · @pennine
61 followers · 77 posts · Server

seem to be acquiescing to Tory plans to many voters. Labour also appeasing Tory by refusing to point out the vast & increasing damage done to UK. SHAPE UP LABOUR.

#Labour #voterid #disenfranchise #brexit #RejoinEU #ToryBrexitDisaster #StandWithUkraine️

Last updated 2 years ago

Arlyssa D. Becenti · @ABecenti
935 followers · 30 posts · Server

Today at the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, a press conference was held to celebrate the defeat of Arizona’s .
This measure would’ve made it more difficult for voters to vote. Since the 2020 election, lawmakers have tried to the Native vote. 
Here is the article on Prop 309:
Follow up soon.

#prop309 #indigenous #arizona #gop #disenfranchise

Last updated 2 years ago