" are tasked with using [teacher's] reserves of skill to make up for tremendous . [] are trying to fix the problems of themselves, in their own ." - Shane Donavan

Found in the Supporting on the Podcast

Kareem is joined by Dacia Guffey and Shane Donavan to discuss some of the reasons students disengage and ways to address disengagement in the classroom and in remote learning. Show Notes Follow us online and learn more: Modern Classrooms: @modernclassproj on Twitter and facebook.com/modernclassproj Kareem: @kareemfarah23 on Twitter [The Modern Classroom Project](www.modernclassrooms.org) [Modern Classrooms Online Course](learn.modernclassrooms.org) Take our free online course, or sign up f

* duration: 51:46, Played: 38:47

* Published: 9/27/20 7:00:00 AM

* Episode Download link (24 MB): aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933

* Show Notes: podcast.modernclassrooms.org/5

* Episode feed: Modern Classrooms Project Podcast - feeds.fireside.fm/modernclassr

#schools #structuralinequality #teachers #capitalism #classrooms #disengaged #students #modernclassrooms

Last updated 1 year ago

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