🥷Ab in den Großpalast 🙂 Eine Nacht voll Chaos und geplanten Unfällen steht vor uns 😂
Gleich um 20:00
#twitch #twitchde #smallstreamer #dishonored2
🥷 Delirium, Delarium, vielleicht bringen wir heut' Delilah um! 😂
Mehr Dishonored 2 mit mir gibts nachher wieder 🙂
Ab 20:00
#twitch #twitchde #smallstreamer #dishonored2
🥷 Wiedersehen mit Anton Sokolov 🙂 Mal gucken, was der so zu erzählen hat und wie es weitergeht 🙂
Ab 20:00 🙂
#twitch #twitchde #smallstreamer #dishonored2
🥷Mehr Dishonored 2 - wie laut kann ich wirklich schleichen? 😂
Findet es heraus - ab 20:00 🙂
#twitch #twitchde #smallstreamer #dishonored2
4th with #diabloiv and non lethal #dishonored2
Get in thar.
Well, here I go again. I've now purchased #Dishonored2 on four seperate occasions on four different platforms. Despite loving the first game, I've never been able to get into it's sequel......
Maybe this time?
Culvey currently doing the duo of #dishonored2 and #diabloiv .
Get in thar.
More #diabloiv and #dishonored2 on the menu tonight. GET IN THAR!
What I am watching tonight.
#dishonored2 and #diabloiv
#dishonored2 #diabloiv #eldenring
Culvey be doing #dishonored2 (pacifist run) with some #diabloIV later.
In other news go watch Culveyhouse and his variety show. Expect a lot of hair and #dishonored2
Completed #Dishonored2 #game on my Xbox Series X. Great series, and great games.
Good replay value too, with New Game+ letting you keep your Runes and Traits, and playing as a different character with slightly different skills.
I like the different paths you can take the story, from stealthy and nonlethal, to guns blazing, from restorative to punitive. I like the atmosphere—almost steampunk, but not quite (whalepunk maybe).
Interestingly, Dishonored 2 ran at a lower frame rate than the original, which ran at a blazing 120 Hz thanks to FPS boosting! It was jarring to go from silky smooth 120 Hz frame rate to something in the low 50s.
Good game though! It’s showing its age, but it still stands up.
We're LIVE with Dishonored 2! Finishing out the last two missions of the game, let's goooo
#dishonored2 #streams
Kotaku: 14+ Awesome Games To Play After Cyberpunk 2077 https://kotaku.com/best-games-like-cyberpunk-2077-rpg-open-world-1850114740 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #creativeworks #windowsgames #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #blooberteam #rutgerhauer #dishonored2 #videogaming #videogames #adamjensen #blairwitch #dishonored #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #idriselba #shadowrun #fallout4 #nintendo #dystopia #netflix #nivalis #rpging #deusex #amazon #rania #snes #ps3 #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #firstpersonshooters #creativeworks #windowsgames #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #blooberteam #rutgerhauer #dishonored2 #videogaming #videogames #adamjensen #blairwitch #dishonored #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #idriselba #shadowrun #fallout4 #nintendo #dystopia #netflix #nivalis #rpging #deusex #amazon #rania #snes #ps3 #rpg
Mea culpa. I owe #Dishonored2 an apology.
I’m sorry that Nest Keepers count against no-kill run, bloody hell.
But, at least, now I know that people who die from gravity triggered only indirectly by one of my actions don’t count as kills. #SilverLining
I mean, why is that Witch even climbing on that tortoise/turtle statue, huh? Madwomen, the lot of them.
I started #Dishonored2 at the beginning of 2018 [yes, that’s five years ago]. I then got to “The Clockwork Mansion” late 2018 and apparently killed someone in that level by Nov 2019… So, I had to re-start it, which happened in May 2020. Finished it without a death a couple of days ago and started the next level, AND NO, GAME, I DID *NOT* KILL ANYONE HERE EITHER!
Gotta start “The Royal Conservatory” again, too, *I guess*.
Bloody hell, at this rate I’m not gonna be finished by 2030.
RT @eastwood_good@twitter.com
"My favorite shots 2022"
I can't ignore one of my most fav games - taking screenshots in it is a special pleasure for me. Every session I tried to do something atypical. The lack of a built-in photomode complicates the task, but makes the process twice as interesting
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/eastwood_good/status/1608209714390732800
RT @eastwood_good
"My favorite shots 2022"
I can't ignore one of my most fav games - taking screenshots in it is a special pleasure for me. Every session I tried to do something atypical. The lack of a built-in photomode complicates the task, but makes the process twice as interesting