I'm gradually building up a list of guidelines to help me improve as an artist. Just simple stuff. Here's one.
* If there's a place where one of your pictures could go, draw something and put it there.
This picture's pretty much an example of that guideline. I hadn't changed my Facebook cover photo for a while; needed refreshing.
#beholder #kobolds #disintegrate #deathray #fleshtostone #eyerays #eyetyrant #sphereofmanyeyes #cavern #facebookcoverphoto #eyerays
#beholder #kobolds #disintegrate #deathray #fleshtostone #eyerays #eyetyrant #sphereofmanyeyes #cavern #facebookcoverphoto
How #ChristianSchool has destroyed #AmericanValues
I was raised in a #ChristianSchool, who pushed their #agenda under the guise of #Americanism
#LaterInLife I have discovered I was #LiedToAboutEverything and not only many nor few. I have been forced to #disintegrate every bit of #knowledge I ever thought I’ve known, and it has become #disabling.
I don’t know how, but it could’ve been reading #TheBibleActually , that caused my most recent shock and disbanding from that ideological movement.
#christianschool #americanvalues #agenda #americanism #laterinlife #liedtoabouteverything #disintegrate #knowledge #disabling #thebibleactually
Not completely here by einarIndra (Disintegrate) 3
#Politicians are letting #infrastructure #disintegrate to push their #specialinterest causes https://newstarget.com/2022-02-05-pittsburgh-bridge-collapsed-leftist-leaders-woke-causes.html
#specialinterest #disintegrate #infrastructure #politicians
#Politicians are letting #infrastructure #disintegrate to push their #specialinterest causes https://newstarget.com/2022-02-05-pittsburgh-bridge-collapsed-leftist-leaders-woke-causes.html
#specialinterest #disintegrate #infrastructure #politicians
#Politicians are letting #infrastructure #disintegrate to push their #specialinterest causes
#specialinterest #disintegrate #infrastructure #politicians